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The fight for survival is on! OverDose is a class, team & objective based multiplayer game set on a post-apocalyptic Earth. With gameplay in the tradition of classic games such as Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory, melded with up to date gameplay mechanics and movement, OverDose is a unique blend of online action, team play and of course, lots of gore. Using id tech 2 as a base, OverDose features updated engine features like full real time lighting and shadow mapping, physically based rendering, particle and physics simulations and more. Plus, in classic id Software tradition, our engine and game are fully moddable and scriptable, meaning even amateur mod makers can bring their own creations to life with ease. This isn't war... It's an all out apocalypse!

Post news Report RSS ODRadiant Now Available For Download!

ODRadiant is now finally available for download! Plus, we are still looking for crazy people to join our merry team!

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Well well well...

Hey all, I have a new update for you today, and this ones sexy. Like cheese. You like cheese don't you? Cheese is amazing. What do you mean you don't like cheese? Well then we can't be friends. I mean, you have cheese on pizza, and pizza is like, the best thing ever. Because of cheese. Wait where was I...? Oh yeah, OverDose! So, today I bring you some new media, but more importantly the news that ODRadiant is now pretty much finished and available for public download. So what are you waiting for, Christmas? Oh you are... Well, that's nice.

OverDose Level Editor - ODRadiant

For those not in the know, we have been working for many years with really subpar tools. Hacking in support to existing editors was not only hard, it was also very buggy, and never really gave us the results we wanted. What's worse, it meant that when asking people for help with mapping, they were greeted with the most useless, cumbersome way of mapping you could think of.

In short, it was pants.

So we decided that enough was enough, and looked into making our own.

Many moons passed, many arguments developed, many stressful evenings trying to explain to a coder why a feature he's never used was important, or a coder trying to explain to an artist why it just wasn't as simple as I thought. We laughed. We cried. We kissed (No tongues). Then... We got there. Buzz and Nicolas worked their magic and created a level editor from the ground up with the sole purpose of working with OverDose. It was clean. It was fast. It had new features. But best of all, it was bug free. Remember those days of manipulating verts and having them go crazy? Gone. Remember loading your map up and finding textures suddenly misaligned? Cya. Remember compiling your map and noticing massive gaps and missing surfaces? So long, buddy!

This thing WORKS, and it works well. And best of all...? Its available to download. Like, right now. See, this button says so. And buttons don't lie. Just look at Donald Trump.

OverDose - ODRadiant - September 11th 2016
See. Buttons don't lie.

Do note again however that this release is simply the editor and a few base files for it to run. It doesn't include content such as model, texture and sound media. So those of you making levels with this version will need to grab our full asset collection if you want to use it fully with pre-existing stuff. That's available to anybody who wants to try, but of course we won't be making that public so easily, as that's all our content. So, get in touch if that's what you need and I'll hook you up.

Game Code Updates & Help Wanted

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Game wise, the game is really coming along. We are still short on media, which includes weapons, players and levels, and as such are really looking for new blood to come on-board and help. The good news is that right now the game is at such a stage that we can drop these in and see them working and blending correctly as they should be, making the whole thing much easier than before. So, if you fancy yourself a good mapper, a good character artist, a good weapon modeller, or a good animator, then please get in touch, because we really badly need people like you on the team. While I can't promise payment at this time, do know that you will be helping a very ambitious indie development team fulfil their dreams, and as such I can maybe throw you a few lolly pops your way, or maybe a t-shirt with my face on it. Hell, once the game hits, lets just say I keep very good records of who did what, and I'll say no more. But do let me know your shirt size.

With such a small team, things are looking good seeing the stage we are at, and I would love to finally be able to say "my whole team" rather than "the couple of guys".

For a taster of what we are up to, here's a little preview. But if you don' feel good enough to get in touch, all I'll say is... Let me be the judge of that. E-mail me at: odium "at" team-blur-games "dot" com.

UI Updates

Things are looking great! The limbo menu is pretty much complete, the options menu now works and lets you set all video and sound stuff, and the HUD works a treat with just a few still in progress features left. Our scriptable language gets more and more feature complete every day. I really feel that people will have a great time working with this and modding. And best of all, like everything in OverDose, none of this is hard coded. So, from the weapons to the classes to the particles to the UIs, its all scriptable. Great stuff.

Website Status

I'm currently looking into getting the website and forums back online. These things cost time and money, two things we are short on these days, but I do see it as something I miss. A good community. So, give me a little time, and I'll see what I can do :)

Donating To The OverDose Project

I did originally have a short video by Bob Geldof here, but he didn't like the fact I wouldn't let him rename the game to "Bobs super happy fun time" and had to remove it. Donating to the OverDose project means the world to us. We are passionate, hard working gamers who want nothing more than to see our dream project come to life, but one thing always stands in the way, the time versus money argument. I myself have just recently become a father to a baby girl and work a full time job, so things like funds for new talent is something I just can't afford on my own. Websites, hosting, everything costs money these days. What I will say, is that we keep records of every donator and helper, and those of you who donate over a certain amount receive a pre-order promise, that is once the game is released, because you were a part of its creation, will be gifted a copy of the game. Regardless of contribution, every donator gets their names in the credits, no matter how large or small. So, if you can spare 20p, why not donate and let us life out our dreams. Thank you.


Gavin Stevens
Lead Designer for Team Blur Games [TBG]

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vfn4i83 - - 692 comments

Hmm you "material inspector" is adding Certical and Horizontal scale instead od seting. Multiple faces/objects dont quite work with inspector. Cap is not working right now.

Brushs few right to work with, Patchs too. Was trying to remember, how I maded tunnels, back on MoH. Nice work. keep it up.

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GavinStevens Author
GavinStevens - - 620 comments

If cap works fine, it's just now fixed with redundant options removed. The vertical and horizontal shifting and scaling works the right way now as well however there's also an option to centre transforms which results in the older behaviour. Multiple brush selection and manipulation not only works like before but also works better now, so not sure what that one is about, but would love to hear more?

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[Berserk] - - 84 comments

Small typo: the old behaviour is actually with "Centered transforms" unchecked.

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vfn4i83 - - 692 comments

no worries then, seems a question of just getting used to. The tool is really good.

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GavinStevens Author
GavinStevens - - 620 comments

No no, please don't misunderstand. Feedback is very important to us, so its more than needed. Would really like to hear a lot more about what people "expect" to happen, because after all I'm only one guy, and quirks may get away from me. Nicolas and Buzz are not mappers, and as such don't really know how to use it the same way normal people would.

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vfn4i83 - - 692 comments

I really like your tool, love radiant like editors. The brush editing is robust, no vertices misplaced, and above all fast.

What have been bothering me was the texture streaching at the edges of the patchs, i imagine a good workaround been a overlay/Decals system covering the streaching.

Great work

P.S.: Dont know if just me but have noticed that after some editing on texture the app need to be restarted so it can reload the texture on the surface.

P.S.: The "material inspector" is adding value at "Vertical" and "Horizontal Scale" instead of setting a value

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[Berserk] - - 84 comments

If you edit textures you can just reload all materials (Materials -> Reload All... or use the button in the materials inspector, at the top right).

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Guest - - 693,774 comments

Hey, hey.

You guys really did an amazing job with this engine.
I just wanted to take a peek at it in real-time, rather than binge-watching all the videos you uploaded so far.
I'm not sure i understand how to get a hold of your work, to be honest.
If i go to SourceForge, there are no files listed.
However, if i go over to the "code" tab, everything seems to be located there.
So, in my cluelessness, i decided to click on "Download Snapshot".
Now it's been "generating snapshot" for 10 minutes and not much seems to happen.
Am i on the wrong track here?

EDIT: It just finished generating the snapshot, now it's downloading 3.12 GB.
Nice. Can't wait to play around with it.

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[Berserk] - - 84 comments

We have around 15 GB here, but not sure how much is actually downloaded and how much is local backups, etc.

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