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Indie of the Year is the largest celebration of hobbyist, amateur and professional Indie developers. With record attendance and a massive number of updates, releases and new projects 2010 was a year like no other, packed to bursting with goodies to make anyone who is tired of the boring triple A games excited again!

Up until Jan 1st 2011 join us and help celebrate your community, culture and give thanks to the developers by voting for your favorite projects. For the first time in IndieDB history we have a press panel which sees personalities from other websites like Joystiq and Rock Paper Shotgun have their say were it counts. Welcome to the 1st Annual Indie of the Year Awards.

UDK Design3 Desura
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Kizzycocoa - - 1,826 comments

great video. needs moar creeper love though.

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Lampbit - - 175 comments


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flyingplatipuss - - 1 comments

Minecraft FTW!

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