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The long-awaited Renegade X multiplayer beta is now available. Download for FREE today!

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They day we've all been waiting for is finally here!

Renegade X: Open Beta has been released and is now available for download!

Renegade X is a First/Third Person Shooter with RTS elements. Players will be able to fight for two unique teams, manage their own economies, choose from over 30 weapons, 15 vehicles, and call in nuclear strikes, Ion Cannons, and airstrikes, and much more. Renegade X is for all players - lone wolves, team-based gamers, tankers, snipers, rushers, turtlers, and all others!

Renegade X is FREE! It is a non-monetized game - Renegade X is straight-up free.

DOWNLOAD HERE: Renegade-x.com

More mirrors will be added as time goes on. You are free to upload and distribute the Renegade X Open Beta, as long that the download numbers are made available to us at the end of every month for the remainder of the year.

Special thanks to Westwood Studios, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, the UDK Community, the C&C Community, my wonderful and inspirational colleagues at Totem Arts, and our loyal fans for their continued support!

System Requirements


Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
2.0+ GHz processor
2 GB system RAM
SM3-compatible video card
4 GB free hard drive space

Recommended :

Windows Vista 64 SP2
2.0+ GHz multi-core processor
4 GB system RAM
NVIDIA 200 series or higher graphics card
Plenty of HDD space

Setting-up Game Servers

A tutorial has been posted for those who are interested in setting up Renegade X Game Servers. You can find all of that information here: [LINK]

Tips and tricks

- 'F': makes you switch to a first person perspective with characters AND vehicles as well
- 'V' or 'F2': Hold it and it will change the upper right corner scoreboard to show harvester health, player credits, player locations and which players on your team are currently engineers
- 'N': Toggles on night vision on some weapons
- Shift: Use shift to sprint (there is also vehicle sprint)
- 'Q': Target a structure, friendly or enemy to initiate spotting or status messages like "Building needs repair". Hold 'Q' down and hover over multiple enemies, then release 'Q' to spot all of them in a single spot message. (In later updates the spot messages will sometimes also display type of spotted vehicle and type of spotted class.)
- ALT/CTRL+V: Opens up a vote menu where you can vote for changing maps, adding bots and more
- 'TAB': Opens Scoreboard
- 'K': Toggle upper right scoreboard mode between viewing all and only viewing yourself
- 'F3': Chat
- 'F4': Teamchat
- 'U': Private Message

- The silo techbuildings (like the one in the middle of CNC-Field) can be captured by shooting their Master Control Terminal with a repair gun
- Hit "Esc" to change teams or suicide
- Airstrikes: To initiate an airstrike buy it from the PT then zoom and target an area. While zooming hold down the left mouse button and rotate the mouse. You will see that the visible indicator then also changes rotation. So with it you can define from which angle the airstrike should come in.

Story and Game Mode

The image below covers the basics of the game's teams, structures, special items and characters, and other important information needed to play Renegade X.

To learn more about Command and Conquer mode, check out the short tutorial video below:


A basic Renegade X leaderboard is up. You must be logged into Steam while playing Renegade X for your statistics to be tracked. Renegade X does not require Steam.

The leaderboard can be found on our main page, here: Renegade-x.com

Future Content

The content below will be released through patches and new versions of Renegade X.

-More multiplayer levels
-More tech buildings, including a caputrable Repair Facility and Communications Centre
-Clanwars ladder
-More items
-New gamemode(s)
-Glitch fixes
-Custom map and mod support
-More to be announced on a later date!


These are some ingame shots of our game:

Thanks again for checking out Renegade X!. This is a special moment for all of us. We have been working on Renegade X since 2006 - we started off as an idea, then we became a mod, and now this is a full-fledged indie game. We are very satisfied with how the game has turned out, and we can't wait to see you all ingame. Let this game be a testament that dreams can come true, because at one point, Renegade X was only the dream of a few ambitious teenagers and young adults.

It was clear that there was not going to be a sequel to a game that was a big part of my life. C&C Renegade was the "failed game" with the not-so-special singleplayer campaign that was completely overshadowed by titles like Medal of Honour, Halo, and Battlefield 1942. But Renegade had a unique multiplayer formula that most reviewers seemed to have ignored. C&C Renegade was no good for 56k players, or for players connecting to servers from different continents. Hosting online games was too difficult, unless you wanted a 4 player server on your computer. The game was virtually unsupported just a few months after release. Renegade 2 was dropped, and by 2005, the community was given control over the server browser.

Despite the poor sales, the sub-par graphics, the mediocre singleplayer, the slow internet speeds, and the lack of support, players recognized that Renegade possessed a hidden gem. C&C mode was enough to feed a thriving community for 12 years, and beget many custom maps, skin and model packs, an anti-cheat system, custom community patches, serverside mods, more ambitious mods, total conversions, and even indie games. Renegade was one of the most active (if not THE most active) C&C multiplayer games.

Now, Renegade X a full-fledged spiritual successor to the original Renegade. Our audience is massive, and every major gaming website and magazine is talking about Renegade X. Our trailers are some of the most popular C&C-related videos ever released. Old players are coming back to check us out, and old clans and communities are reforming. Our audience are those older gamers 25-45 who have been left behind by the game industry's dumbing-down of multiplayer games as of late. While the industry focuses on tablet, mobile, and gimmicky console games, there is a whole generation of lost PC gamers who have been left behind. They miss the dynamic sophistication of C&C Renegade, and they are all interested in trying out our free game.

Renegade X is not a direct remake of C&C Renegade. Yes, you will see familiar maps, characters, weapons, and vehicles - the fundamentals of the game are the same. But, no weapon is identical to the way it was before. Certain vehicles play quite differently (Artillery, MRLS, Mammoth Tank, Apache, Orca, Transport). A moderate amount of recoil and weapon spread has been given to guns (and you'll see why). The graphics, audio, and physics have received a complete overhaul. Secondary weapons and new items have been added. Capturable buildings have been added. There's so much that is different - but keep in mind that we are die-hard Renegade fans, and we are very careful with the things we change.

We look forward to your feedback, and remember that Totem Arts will always be there for the community. We will be putting out more game info and strategy videos for new players in the days and weeks to come. We'll also be fixing any of the game's problems, adding new features, adding new maps and gamemodes, making more player-friendly menus and settings, and simply be there for all those who need technical support. We are the biggest fans of our own game, so you'll find us to be very open and accessible.

Thanks again for helping our dream come true - see you on the battlefield! It's finally TIME TO ROCK & ROLL!


Post comment Comments
Woozle - - 2,617 comments

I had some great times with renegade multiplayer, can't wait to try this out.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
Chezzlor - - 860 comments

Omg omg omg omg. Why can't I press the download button? My hands are shaking too much.


Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Madin - - 2,077 comments

Excellent work!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Icefrenzy - - 98 comments

Thanks for the heads up! Totally slipped out my mind!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
CM32 - - 184 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
e_Glyde - - 331 comments

Can't wait to play!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
namechanged - - 49 comments

But it's the 25th...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Darklord42 - - 252 comments

Somewhere it's the 26th

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
x-Fourty7 - - 63 comments

3 AM on the 26th here in Halifax, NS, Canada! :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
TKAzA - - 3,154 comments

Fantastic news, grats on the release see you on the battlefield.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
gamerarise - - 145 comments

One of the best free game on PC EVER !!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 694,341 comments

Congrats! ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
MrTimm - - 4,994 comments

Great work TA.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Jerkakame - - 818 comments

does extras fnkqrrm work?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
CrowV - - 224 comments

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (breathes) ayy

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
x-Fourty7 - - 63 comments

All I can say is, wow. If this doesn't get game of the year I'll be extremely sad. Played for about 3 hours straight after first launch. No crashing, quickest into game I've seen, lots of people playing (and it's 6 am here), and my GOD the beauty in detail... So my first thoughts...


-Such authentic Renegade feel, in gameplay, mechanics, menus, graphics (way better obviously, but keeping the core feel of Renegade).

-Classes for days. So many weapons/characters to choose from!

-Vehicles for days. A larger vehicle selection than expected on first release.

-Maps for days. The detail in the 4 maps I played was unquestionably some of the best work in UDK I've seen, congrats guys.

-Flawless mapchanging. It takes about 0.5 seconds to load the next map after the voting is finished, I was quite surprised.

-Stunning visuals. All the things you'd expect from Unreal3 engine with great detail and atmosphere for a multiplayer game.


-Netcode felt a tad bit off, but I only played on one server so far, and being beta + 64 player server can't expect cream of the crop :P.

-All 4 games I played, both teams refineries got destroyed early game and it was basically a purely infantry struggle. Maybe consider repairability of destroyed structures? Still, only a few games played (For everyone?) so things may change there as people learn.

Amazing work. GOTY. Will spread to everyone.

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TheNodCommander - - 1,114 comments

Compare oldRenegade to Renegade X netcode wise and you'll find it a dramatic improvement :P

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M4rked1 - - 900 comments

A fantastic game great fun but i have one complaints and its that the stats of weapons and characters are too small nothing major but a little bit increase in there size would be nice.

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TheNodCommander - - 1,114 comments

Stats too small? What?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
M4rked1 - - 900 comments

I meant the font of stats related to weapons and characters.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
bucky699 - - 127 comments

Wow i only just found this!!!! Renegade was such an awsome yet underated game. WIll deffb e getting this

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Gleb_AA-Gun - - 1,002 comments

Can I change my keybinds? Like a option menu?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
TheNodCommander - - 1,114 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Gleb_AA-Gun - - 1,002 comments

Hell Yeah! Thanks.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
BioClone - - 98 comments

Not, bad, I have been testing it today... but seriously, you made Explosive weapons extremely OP against Infantry. C&C never worked that way

PD: Anybody can tell me how to change the nick ingame? I didnt find a single way to do it, but people uses their own names.

*EDIT: Servers dont show the ping number... (aswell votations on map dont show the names of the map) this should be fixed soon.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
BioClone - - 98 comments

**EDIT 2: What about the air units? should be better to play the game without them until that dumbest movements get fixed. (Its annoying)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments

The air units work just like stock renegade from my play with them so far, which to me is just fine.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Woozle - - 2,617 comments

Youtube.com Air units are just fine you say?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TheNodCommander - - 1,114 comments

That happens if your ping is high.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
AlCool - - 3,112 comments

The explosives did a TON of damage to infantry with direct hits in stock renegade, but I do notice a difference in blast radius in this version (It is definitely bigger), so maybe the splash damage should be lowered a bit to compensate. In stock renegade a missed explosive did basically nothing.

Unless you have steam up, use the RENEGADE LAUNCHER and set your nickname in that before launching to ingame menu or joining a server. The regular EXE will only give you your steam nickname if you have steam up, or else you will just be called "player" using it.

I hope the ping thing is an easily fixed bug. It would be really nice to see.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
BioClone - - 98 comments

Thx, i was searching 4 the launcher like a mad... Its just me or the icon the game creates just launch the game and not the launcher? was luck that I saw the launcher its just called RenegadeX.exe i though its was the game direct executable.

PD: What happens with steam? can be played with it?

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StrykerNocte - - 474 comments

I really wanted to try this, but the game keeps crashing right during the intro videos. The farthest I could get was the loading screen where it crashed as well.. Help please?

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Jonny_T - - 118 comments

Awesome work guys! Well done :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 694,341 comments

The game doesn't initiate the graphics card on my Y510p. It launches using intel hd 4000.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Ivanator95 - - 303 comments

Omg I remember playing Renegade so many years ago! And I was thinking how much better the game could be if it was just more popular and supported. Will definitely check this out! :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 694,341 comments

I just tried to run this mod for the first time - and it crashed. It said it ran out of video memory! I have a 1GB video card. Perplexed!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
traitort - - 10 comments

This game is really huge fun. Thanks for maintaining the varied C&C Renegade gameplay and making it much slicker to play. Not to forget the awesome graphics.

It's nice that there are already many full Servers :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
roman9441 - - 1,183 comments

Awesome very good one

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Gleb_AA-Gun - - 1,002 comments

It's looking awesome, the only thing that I hope it's added is something to compensate the lag for peopel from other countries.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
-Redeemer- - - 342 comments

The game is simply awesome! It feels good to play an old classic again, but with a fresh new feeling. Of course some bugs, but that's ok, nothing major to complain about (although the glitchy movement of the air units is annoying, but take your time to fix things :) )
Thank you so much for this wonderful piece of art, this truly shows what miracles can happen, if people with passion work on something great :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
JadeDragon - - 88 comments

Great game guys! It's great to see such a quality game given to the community for free when big name studios are charging top dollar for "games" thrown together with no love and broken from day one.
Look forward to further developments and wish you all the best with this. :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Rallehop - - 262 comments

Can somebody get this in 1080p? i can't figure out how to, don't come with the simple ''check the resolution settings'' because i have already looked there.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Zombine64 - - 30 comments

You could set the resolution in your shortcut, try putting " -width 1920 -height 1080 " in the target box after everything else (This might not work on this because different games have different formats they need it in, another one you could try is -r1920x1080)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
TheNodCommander - - 1,114 comments

In the game, hit F5 and type "setres 1920 1080" without the "" and press enter. That should do it, I believe.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Rallehop - - 262 comments

Didn't work, stil trying to figure it out haha

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
8105 - - 86 comments

Great stuff. Played quite a few games after release. Graphics and all. Awesome job.

If there was any sign of balance it would be perfect.
For example NOD rocket trooper barely damages vehicles(like 5% per hit on a medium tank lol)
NOD vehicles feel overall weak and since there is limit, 7 mammonths always wreck any combo of NOD vehicles, unless GDI team are playing first time or something.

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TheNodCommander - - 1,114 comments

Nod not NOD :P

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
jade335 - - 189 comments

I was very surprised and awed when I first started up this game. First time I played this, I almost mistaken myself that I was playing Battlefield 3 because of the beautiful graphics (HUGE improvment from original). As I played I did notice bugs (quite a few), but was mesmerized by the fact that it was almost completely the same as the original Renegade and it was only at beta v0.1!!! I can't wait to see what 0.2 will bring if this is what I'm seeing....
Then I wondered what Zero hour would have looked liked if it was like this....then I saw planned features like "mod support" and thought to myself that may not be as far-fetch of a dream that I once thought of.
But anyway I came to congratulate your hardwork on a beautiful piece ofa game to a Pc community that feels to me like it's in some decline.
I hope to see more updates and more people to come and enjoy this game in the near future.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
CR!M!NAL - - 40 comments

DO NOT DOWNLOAD! Too much awesomeness to handle!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
trancemaster_1988 - - 3,033 comments

Awesome, thanks so much for this!

The only suggestion I'd have right now would be to lower the ttk (time to kill). It would upen the team-play aspect. As it is right now, it doesn't matter much if you rush head-on, cause you don't take that much damage anyway. Might just be me though.

Anyways, great job overall!

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