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Add job Report Looking for Animator 2d and Artist 2d at Anywhere

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Anywhere on

We need animator's 2d and digital artists.

We are a group of game enthusiasts who want to create a good game and publish it on steam. It will be a metroidvania-rougelike game. So much about the game we can reveal for now. Our team consists of 3 programmers, 1 music composer, 1 concept artist and also 1 digital artist.

The cooperation will be rev-shave. We will be setting up a kickstarter so a percentage of that will go to employees and also once the game is released a percentage of the earnings will be split

If you are interested i will tell you about project more

To Apply

email: oktawianpalikot10@gmail.com