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Purple Couch is the brainchild of two brothers passionate about playing and making video games.

Add job Report [Royalty Share] Purple Couch seeking artists for magitech cyberpunk game at Purple Couch

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Purple Couch on


Purple Couch is looking for talent!
We are a company composed of two brothers passionate about playing video games. We are about to embark on our first full production and are seeking help.

We are working on a story-focused tile tactics game set in a dystopian magitech cyberpunk world, and we need artists. Our desired art style is something similar to wind waker, necropolis, battleborn, XCOM, or massive chalice. We desire character models with realistic proportions and a cartoon flair.

We are looking for people that can work away from a centralized office using networking software such as skype and slack.

Positions: Concept Artist, 3D modeler, Animator
Payment Method: Royalty Share

If you can fill any of the positions above, contact us at lawsantucci@gmail.com. Please attach a resume and samples of your work.

To Apply

Please send a resume and samples of your work to lawsantucci@gmail.com.