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We are developing games about reality. The games we develop are mostly about people strategizing. We love to create stories inspired by real events.

Add job Report Programmers, designers, artist at Steel Games

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Steel Games on

We need a team because we are currently working on a project which needs enough persons to facilitate our progress, so if you are interested please reach out to us and please be sure you perform at least one of this;

  • 3d Game Designer with coding experience
  • Developer. ...
  • Project Manager. ...
  • Graphics Designer. ...
  • Tester. ...
  • We only accept highly experienced personnel and you must have experience with online multiplayer games

To Apply

Send your resume to officialdexc@gmail.com