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Blood in the West pre-final 0.9 release. Full mod, needs no previous installments. See info below.

Blood in the West - pre-final 0.9 release [full] 2018
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Flamerit - - 43 comments

ivan delivers again! Thanks for your hard work

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ivanhoe95 Author
ivanhoe95 - - 925 comments

I'm not a slav

you're welcome btw :D

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shahidhammad443 - - 5 comments

runtime error during the game...??

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Blue152 - - 6 comments

Please can i ask when im trying to play mod i start game and after 2 mins of loading it crash please can you give me advice?

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Natureboy79 - - 31 comments

The starting quest seems to be corrupted in various ways. I started four new games (with different character choices and in different towns). In game 1,2 (as a human male/female starting in Minas Tirith) and 4 (as a human female starting in Rivendell) I couldn't get out of the very first dialogue with the trader in town. In game 3 (as an Isengard Uruk starting in Isengard) I got past the dialogue, defeated the bandit group and went to the Kidnapper's Camp. After defeating the enemies there I got stuck in the dialogue with the kidnappee.

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Redheadhockey12 - - 6 comments

I had the exact same problem. It doesn't let me get past the first dialogue as either an elf or a Gondorian. I was super excited to try out all the new stuff but I can't!

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tony-k14 - - 2 comments

Have you know how to fix the "kidnapper problem" ??? T_T i take the same problem too !!! too bad for that great mod :(

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ivanhoe95 Author
ivanhoe95 - - 925 comments

Yeah, it seems that the Minas Tirith / Rivendell start is f-ed up, try starting in other towns.

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Athilora - - 100 comments

Edoras gets me stuck as well.

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cacaouete33370 - - 45 comments

It's a shame not being able to play Gondor. In any case, I can not wait to see all the changes!
ps: I could always see the new Boromir, I love it;)

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Guest - - 705,472 comments

Any fix for the starting quest already? :(

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KeriM_TR - - 12 comments

We've been waiting for years bud! Thank you very much for your hard work again an again

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wodzu187 - - 39 comments

I got to around day 36 joined isengard as mercenary and the game started crashing anytime i tried to have a large scale battle. Battle would start for a few seconds and than just crashes before im able to do anything. Gathered all the companions got a few enterprises going and just when it was starting to get interesting game over. Any idea how to fix this? i even tried reducing the battle size nothing helps

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Gasnak - - 1 comments

i have that same problem.

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caaloygames - - 11 comments

im encountering a bug when creating a elf character and entering the first town killed the enemy npc then start talking to a horse archer bla bla npc. i cannot get pass through the dialogue even im hardly pressing the left mouse click to continue several times

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caaloygames - - 11 comments

we need immediate fix to this bug dialogue option when starting an elf/gondor please.

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Fat-Larry - - 34 comments

Tested it and I think this mod will become the best The Lord of The Rings mod cause the characters are so perfect. Loved the Nazgul outfit, hope you add it to player character as a special secret outfit like an easter egg \O/ ... Keep developing this PRECIOUS Milord and that a Glorious Patch lights the starting bugs away ;)

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Aquilaspqr - - 35 comments

What about diplomacy? Are elves and dwarves still at war? "Inappopriate" diplomacy is the greatest flaw IIRC, because it destroys the immersion.

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Potato9 - - 1 comments

i love all of it the mumakils are amazing the fall amation when i jump off minis tirith is great but i wish you had modded all of the cities as dale erabor, mt doom, the eye of sauron and may more are just the native cities, if you could fix that it would be THE best m&b MOD.

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Faraust0 - - 14 comments

thank you for all the hard worl butt this final mood is full of bugs :( when you have time fix it because you where doing a great job before

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SPkiller31 - - 6 comments

Same problem as everyone, I'm getting stuck in kidnappers dialogue as Isengard Orc, and when im playing with changing start as orc/elf etc. im getting everyones items. Its not big deal cause i can sell them and avoid kidnappers but still its pain.

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az09A - - 4 comments

Would love to test the mod out but sadly warband has a runtime error on loading. Anything to help me ? I don't want to reinstall btw :)

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Cody_is_King - - 83 comments

you can learn how to mod/edit the troops,weapon,game files yourself in this video and the other in its description

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yoracxcraft - - 34 comments

Cool. Can I play as a hobbit?

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kerri100 - - 2 comments

In loading screen is chrasing always :(
I update visual studio , reinstall the Mount and Blade , redownload the mod but again crashing :(
Can u help me ? :D

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Thelazarus - - 139 comments


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WeWickYou - - 1 comments

i PMed the author some days ago.. i don't know if he is still working on mod, i'm hoping so cause i did see update on march 2022

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