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Apply to Die (Beta Version) is a free Horror Game, and the Beta Version of the Original Apply to Die Full Release. It contains a horrifying atmosphere, weapons and a sad Story of a Guy, who know's nothing about himself, and what is happend this Place, in which he's woke up.

Add job Report Drawing Anime Characters, Backgrounds and Plattform Assets at Simails Entertainment

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Simails Entertainment on

First of all, this is a voluntary job, but maybe you get payed with 5$, if your work is awsome, and the Game successfully.

We need someone, or two for drawing:
- Anime Characters,
- (maybe) specific Cartoon Backgrounds
- (also maybe)Plattform Assets

Anime Characters:
This is basicly a Job for anybody who can draw Anime Characters, color them, and let them look like this handsome Picture here: Goo.gl
We need it for the Game "Mr. Crooked Crazy 2" (Project Name "Crazy Game"), because all the Close Up conversations will be like they are in the Game "Shantae and the pirate's curse" (Example here: Goo.gl). Basicly, when there's someone to talk, Sprites will show up. And they are in Anime Style. The Rest of the Game is a normal Cartoon Look. It would be also great if you could animate Sprites, like making a Walk Cycle, Jump Animation or Crouch Animation. The only Problem is, that we are not shure if we animate it really with Sprites, but at least when you contact us, we will know what we'll make. The Character Designs are allready made, so you just have to create the whole Characters.

Specific Background Images:
It would be also great if you could draw Background Images like this (Example: Goo.gl).

Plattform Assets:
And we need 2d Sprites and Assets for the Game, they are like this (Example: Goo.gl).

If you want Information about the Game, here is a Link, to the Game's Development Forum: Mccstw2.yooco.org

If that's not enough, or if you are tired of reading, here's a qucik Information:
The Game is a 2D Jump and Run Sidescroller called "Mr. Crooked Crazy 2", but we can tell you more, when you message us, because its currently secret until its Release.
In Short, its a Game about a Man, who must save the world before Monsters and Robots. The Game is really funny and consists of many flatjokes.
We can tell you Details when you message us, because it's currently secret and no one need to know much about it, except for the people who work at it.

If you have Questions, please let us know, and write an Email to


or add


on Skype.

Thanks and Best,
- Michael Peter

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