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DAL will be a top-down view game, where you control and alien robot. You're task is to destroy every threat.

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Some progress was made regarding the (so far) only enemy, the Turret. Also the robot/walker got some fixes and updates. Test level is reworked.

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• Activation sound added
• Smoke and fire effect as health gets lower
• Added flying explosion wrecks (with temp boxes) which emit fire and as they burn gets smaller until they are destroyed.Random directions, sizes and impulses
• Aiming and shooting projectile added with effects and sounds. Opening animation temporarily disabled because of this.

• Blocked shooting laser when aiming too close to itself. Error sound added.
• Laser aiming offset fixed
• Laser's damaged actor fixed (it damaged actor under mouse, not where the laser was pointing)
• Zoom out when looking near the bottom of the screen
• Turret rotation slows down while shooting with the laser. Speed will be upgradeable later.
• Green gas weapon damage depends on distance (later it will damage only human enemies). Detached it from the walker
• Health and Shiled added
- Hit effects added
- Shield slowly restores
- Damage effects added.
• Bones in legs fixed (leg length was modified)

Explosive barrel
• fire effect at 80% HP

Dummy car

works similarly to the barrel, but with explosion wrecks and more HP

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