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Equator is a two-player maths learning game for iPad and Android starring squidgy farmers who must team up from opposite ends of a tiny planet to harvest its plentiful fruit. Using their own uniquely assigned sets of numbers and operators, players work together to create calculations which each result in the same answer, all on the same tablet device. Communication and collaboration is essential, and later stages include larger numbers as well as multiplication and division, and even allow players to start swapping numbers to create matching sums! Kids are motivated to create more complex sums through an in-game achievements system and Leaves, which are used to buy the more than 40 funky hats and costumes to dress your character in - a 'serious game' with a very silly side!

Post news Report RSS TigerFace Games Launches and Says Hello!

We're an indie developer with a thing for learning titles - but not just willy-nilly games which slap you on the back for working out that putting two and two together gives a different number.

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Hello there! Jon Brady, social media co-ordinator, here to tell you a bit about TigerFace Games - who have just launched today!

We're an indie developer with a thing for learning titles - but not just willy-nilly games which slap you on the back for working out that putting two and two together gives a different number. TigerFace Games is a company which makes "games" for kids - that they happen to include learning is a core element, sure, but it's not one which gets in the way of designing a functional, serious game.

We have two titles out this month. Equator is a maths game for two, in which players sit at opposite ends of an iPad or Android tablet and, using a Scrabble-style set of numbers and letters, each create a maths sum which must have the same answer as the other. It's a great example of what we aim for our games to be - fun, educational without sticking your nose in it, pretty and ultimately collaborative. Kids learn loads when they work together, and Equator also encourages communication and problem solving as a group. It also features customisable hats.

Smash Party is a title for slightly younger children - about 4 or 5 - and tasks four players to tackle questions on literacy and numeracy as a team. It works great as a tabletop-style game - albeit on an iPad - and, much like Equator, requires lots of communication!

We might not be your typical indie developer, creating kitschy platformers, incredible narrative experiences and what have you, but the games we make are real - and we even test them in local schools to ensure kids are going to wanna come back to them again and again. Thanks for reading this quick bit of news - feel free to get in touch: jon [at] interface3 [dot] com.


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