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Living world project is an Open World Sandbox ARPG. Current Status in proof of Concept stage.

Report RSS Update 4a - UI mini progress update

Just want to put up a mini update for a little chance of pace. Been experimenting with different UI design. Just a mini ui update for this one, no video for now. WIll still need to link it up to the combat and probably experiement with npc target on the world space ui before the next video update.

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Just want to put up a mini update for a little chance of pace.

Been experimenting with different UI design.

Started of trying to do a target ui.

Image Sequence 001 0000

Image Sequence 002 0000

Putting the bar at the top looks distracting. And the red colour doesn't look nice.

Then I end up thinking that there protentially be multiple enemies. I don't really want to put the hp bar at world space on top of the npc. But then since this isn't a boss fight game, I see no point having a large bottom hp bar.

Might experiment with world space hp bar later.

Then, I started testing on the player's hp bar.

Image Sequence 003 0000

Putting at the top right seems also distracting and ugly. Was also experimenting with the old standard green bar of hp, yellow for stamina. Looks very out of style and ugly. Was trying out 3 bar design where it start with green bar, then become yellow bar once greenbar empty. Then to red bar before death. But looks very ugly.



End up putting it in the bottom right. The idea is that rather than 1 single hp bar. Why can't player have multiple hp bar like the boss have?

My original idea was that player at the start might have a rested bonus and during that phase player will have status increase. When the first bar depleted, it will enter the normal phase with no bonus. And depleted again will enter status point penalty. So the more and longer you fight and losing, the weaker you become.

The concept is so that for example if you explore a dungeon and the deeper you go, the more tired you become. So you need to weight whether to continue or go back. (Original idea was actually to use the stamina bar for this.) But then couldn't figure our what is the best way to display this effect (was going to use green up and red down arrow). End up adding 3 health container. Thinking I might make colour chage to depict this.

At the end, decided to move the health container up ontop of the hp bar. Also found some icon I could use instead of text.

End up with something like this:


Also thought of an idea of death chance. The idea is: after player lost all healthbar, instead of dying instantly. There will be incremental chance of death upon healthbar empty. This way, player can either choose to go back to town/camp to rest, or gamble onward with chance of death. I think this will be fun once start adding dynamic to the world so that even on retreat might enounter enemy as well.

Just a mini ui update for this one, no video for now. WIll still need to link it up to the combat and probably experiement with npc target on the world space ui before the next video update.

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