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Malevolence: The Sword of Ahkranox is an indie game with the intent to recreate the amazing turn-based, first person RPGs from the golden age of PC gaming using modern game engine technology. Rich classics such as the Might & Magic series, Eye of the Beholder and the like have inspired this new title which, when finished will put its players into a literally infinite fantasy world filled with procedurally generated content. The Sword of Ahkranox isn't trying to compete with the larger, professionally developed RPG titles out there, but instead our aim is to fill a large gap that we believe has existed in game technology since the mid-nineties. It is definitely a must-have for all enthusiasts of the quintessential RPG. The game's procedural engine can generate an infinite number of weapons, items, spells, monsters, dungeons, cities, countryside and even dialogue, allowing the player to explore the game with no end and no reason to stop.

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So in the last post we mentioned that we were adding functionality to the fountains in the game...

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So in the last post we mentioned that we were adding functionality to the fountains in the game...

In Malevolence's dungeons, the player will encounter these fountains. So far, they haven't had a function other than decoration, but that has all changed now! In a deliberate nod to the classic RPGs of yesteryear, drinking from fountains has now become risky business. You may get lucky and have the fountain rejuvenate your health or mana, or you may be very unlucky and become fatigued, limiting your mana or worse... Poisoned! It's definitely a gamble, but one that you may be forced to take if you find yourself stranded with no health potions to help you out!

Eventually the game will contain spells for the player to use to help purify these waters, but until then, you're on your own. Use them wisely, and good luck!

Also, please remember two very important things:
- We've been nominated for Indie Game of the Year and need your vote, and your friend's votes, and your family's votes, and everyone else's votes, so head on over to this link and vote for us before the competition is over!
- We're looking for a writer to join our team! We've had a few people apply but we're still compiling a shortlist, so if you or someone you know is interested, read here for more details or email us here to apply!

And, as always, please join us on the social networks!

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booman - - 3,660 comments

Cool feature... I never thought of a fountain becoming a blessing or curse in disguise. Awesome idea.

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CumQuaT Author
CumQuaT - - 776 comments

Yet another throwback to the AMAZING old-school games like Might & Magic :) definitely adds a fun twist to dungeon exploration!
Though things are going to be changing soon. Over the holidays we plan on starting to properly put together the outdoor environments and towns :D So keep your eyes peeled!

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