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Malevolence: The Sword of Ahkranox is an indie game with the intent to recreate the amazing turn-based, first person RPGs from the golden age of PC gaming using modern game engine technology. Rich classics such as the Might & Magic series, Eye of the Beholder and the like have inspired this new title which, when finished will put its players into a literally infinite fantasy world filled with procedurally generated content. The Sword of Ahkranox isn't trying to compete with the larger, professionally developed RPG titles out there, but instead our aim is to fill a large gap that we believe has existed in game technology since the mid-nineties. It is definitely a must-have for all enthusiasts of the quintessential RPG. The game's procedural engine can generate an infinite number of weapons, items, spells, monsters, dungeons, cities, countryside and even dialogue, allowing the player to explore the game with no end and no reason to stop.

Post news Report RSS New Bloom Lighting!

HDR Bloom lighting has been added to the game, with great results!

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So as you know, we've been spending a lot of time lately making the game prettier with all sorts of advanced lighting through it.

After a solid couple of days work, the latest feature, HDR bloom lighting, is complete! With the new dungeon tilesets our team has been working on, the bloom lighting really brings out the vibrant colours that are present in the dungeons. It looks great underground, but it looks even better when you're walking around the countryside in the game, but we're not quite ready to show you that just yet... Just thought you'd like to see how it's been coming along! Here are some of the latest screens!

And, just for fun, a (very) early video of it in action. Keep an eye on the player's weapon in particular, as this is the first video showing off the weapon being part of the advanced lighting!

Until next time!

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_1dt3k_ - - 54 comments

Awesome it's really shaping up.

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CumQuaT Author
CumQuaT - - 776 comments

Thank you!

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Halfmoon - - 113 comments

Just make sure not to do this.


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CumQuaT Author
CumQuaT - - 776 comments

Ahahahahaha! Yes indeed. Very easy to overdo it!

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Fib - - 381 comments

Sweet! It looks really good.

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CumQuaT Author
CumQuaT - - 776 comments

Thanks! We're super proud so far!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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