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Malevolence: The Sword of Ahkranox is an indie game with the intent to recreate the amazing turn-based, first person RPGs from the golden age of PC gaming using modern game engine technology. Rich classics such as the Might & Magic series, Eye of the Beholder and the like have inspired this new title which, when finished will put its players into a literally infinite fantasy world filled with procedurally generated content. The Sword of Ahkranox isn't trying to compete with the larger, professionally developed RPG titles out there, but instead our aim is to fill a large gap that we believe has existed in game technology since the mid-nineties. It is definitely a must-have for all enthusiasts of the quintessential RPG. The game's procedural engine can generate an infinite number of weapons, items, spells, monsters, dungeons, cities, countryside and even dialogue, allowing the player to explore the game with no end and no reason to stop.

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With the official demo coming out just before Christmas after what will have been nearly two years of development time, we figured you might want a small taste of what's to come!

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So with the official demo being launched just before Christmas, I've been doing some work to "pretty up" the game, and make it more game-like. One notable thing that is missing so far is any in-game reference to the INCREDIBLY elaborate back-story that was written over the course of several months.

This video teaser, however, will give you your first hint at what the in-game story will be like! Check it out!

It adds an extra bit of pizazz to the game, I think!

Other achievements lately are as follows:

- The minimap is now fully functional
- All of the A.I bugs have now been sorted out
- All the new weapons work wonderfully
- The current floor number can now be seen on the map
- New blood effects
- New sound effects throughout the game
- A couple of technical glitches that have been bugging me
and slowing me down for ages have now been fixed

So yeah, heaps done! Tomorrow I'm sorting out more little things, but most of the problems of late have been little, left over things that need to be fixed before the demo ships off to the alpha testers. Remember that it's not too late to sign up to be an alpha tester! Just join up on our Facebook page, look for the post about it and leave us a comment there!

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Xahni13 - - 2 comments

Looks great man.. Keep up the good work.. and for 2 years you say? You must have been going by a good morale?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
CumQuaT Author
CumQuaT - - 776 comments

It's very much a project of passion. We're just making the game we really want to play!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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