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Post news Report RSS September 2024 - WHY?


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Hello, how is everyone doing?




I see, sorry to hear that. I guess I can only hope things get better for you from there.

So anyway, where was I?... Oh yeah.

So, I just wanted to write a quick follow-up to the previous public production update, because I have quickly found some things out for myself that’s quite ridiculous enough for me that it’s impossible to ignore, so, here it goes:


Funny name for this section, right?

So, remember how I mentioned I’ve been having problems with the Linux version of the Unity Engine Editor?

So, turns out all this time the constant crashes I faced happened because Unity is allergic to any Linux distro that isn’t explicitly Ubuntu or any of it’s spins.

I mean, I know that Ubuntu was listed as a requirement, but god damn, really dawg?! What if I don’t like using Ubuntu? What repositories are you even using that Fedora, Pop!_OS and other distros are missing?!? LOL how do you fumble it up so hard i don’t understand


Also, not even three weeks later after I posted the public update, I get this message from Unity in my email inbox.


lmao even

So, what do I think of all this?

Right, so let me say what I make of this.

Honestly, good on Unity for disposing of the thing that made a lot of game developers like myself leave their engine en masse, but I am still not gonna use it as my solely primary game engine, or at least while I don’t find using it extremely necessary. I am still gonna toy around with Construct trying to make something while I am taking a break from Stramedia, all while also sorting out plans for it’s development, so I get a clearer concrete direction of what I want of it and how I am gonna handle it.

I can definitely say that I will still use both Construct and Unity, though I am not gonna mark either as a primary engine of choice - it will depend on what kind of stuff I would like to make. Plus, variety is always nice.

But what I can’t exactly say if Stramedia will still be developed using Unity. I guess it will now depend on either of the several - hypothetical - factors:

1 – I would do it if I would like to do things that aren’t possible within Construct’s technical limits;

2 – I won’t be able to figure out a fix crucial to the game’s functionality;

3 – I can figure out a proper configuration and workflow to playtest the game while ensuring the compiled builds don’t stink, both technically and visually, AND the playtesting window isn’t all stuttery;

4 – Having to pull “The Escapists” when it will come to develop console versions of Stramedia, but it will depend if I’ll be able to afford being able to pull something off like that. (to understand the reference: the original PC version of The Escapists was developed in Clickteam Fusion, meanwhile the console and mobile ports were co-developed using Unity.)

5&6 – Mostly what I’ll decide based on player feedback or actually feel like using Unity again, granted, which won’t be very often.

As a bonus to factors numbered 3-6, if I would want to develop console versions of the game and compile Windows builds translated to C++ while developing in Unity, and I have jumped over to Linux as my primary operating system, I would have to install Windows on a separate hard drive, because the tools necessary for C++ Windows builds are... well... locked within Windows. And I also would want to be able to easily remove said hard drive if I decide that I am done with Windows’ shenanigans.

So, it will take some time before I make a big final decision.

So, until then, here’s a header image shaped hyperlink leading you to other places where you can be notified of smaller news. If you wish to continue watching this space, that's fine, too.

See ya’ eventually!

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