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Report RSS Unity engine goes free for Indie developers

Unity technologies launches version 2.6 of it's platform and makes unity freely available.

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A few days ago the multi-platform Unity engine had a brand new update (version 2.6) as well as a price drop for independent developers who choose to use the engine for both personal and commercial use from $200 USD to well zero.

David_Helgason_CEO_Unity_Technologies wrote: With the explosive growth in new platforms and performance improvement in our Unity suite of products, we believe that there are no technical hurdles remaining for high quality interactive content everywhere. Now we are removing financial hurdles as well. Unity is mature enough and easy enough to use that it can be the entry point for those developers taking their first steps with the technology.

Now I can hear your eyebrows raising but before you ask there really isn't any catch to this, aside from the Unity spashscreen that is. So there really is no reason as to why your not tooling around in it as you read this go and download it now!

Or for your Mac, or iPhone!

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NullSoldier - - 973 comments

All right. I'm looking forward to this. Why is Unity so special? It's special because you can develop iPhone games without feeling like your going to vomit because your writing your code in Objective-C.

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Betelgeuze - - 872 comments

Also special because it works on Mac too.

So Ive downloaded this version, it says I can only use it for 30 days for free :s

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Dragonlord - - 1,934 comments

But no Linux version :(

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Joe_Shmoe - - 303 comments

I was thinking just that yesterday... No linux -sigh- why not =(

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myles - - 854 comments

Because all Linux is good at is hosting servers? ;D

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Soulseker - - 137 comments

No it's not just wait for the spark-engine-linux-release :P

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Lavama - - 199 comments

Just wait. Some one will come along.

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Elementalist - - 732 comments

Oh wow, awesome.

Not really interested in iPhone, but other stuff is cool.

Although, I find it weird, the example game for Unity that they have makes it seem like a horribly unoptimized engine. Guess I'll find out.

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blackmodeler - - 1,015 comments

This is very awesome. Unity feels like a really solid game engine to me. Can't wait to see the indie games developed with unity ^_^

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DOLBYdigital - - 622 comments

Great news for devs, its always good to have more options for engines especially when they are free :)

Look forward to some new games using this including Interstellar Marines.

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Feared - - 647 comments

This is a shame that it is free now.

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CSargeP - - 112 comments

Why's that?

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Feared - - 647 comments

Many people payed for the this and every Indie developer who did got screwed.
Indie groups/dev's don't have a large budget and every little counts.

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CSargeP - - 112 comments

Ah, I could understand how that would be frustrating.

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MrTambourineMan - - 717 comments

Quote from unity blog: Secondly, we understand that people who recently bought Unity Indie might feel really unlucky. Every single Unity 2.x Indie license owner will be offered to upgrade to Unity Pro or to add Unity iPhone Basic to their license for a big discount. And everyone who bought Unity Indie in the last sixty days are alternately being offered full refunds if they don’t wish to upgrade. Source: Blogs.unity3d.com

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formerlyknownasMrCP - - 892 comments

a BIG discount is a very good thing if you're an indie developer, most of us will be at the stage now where we've got products that could easily facilitate the need of a pro-license. I think that's the assumption there.

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Feared - - 647 comments

Great, now I can get the pro version cheap!
Thanks for that, didn't really look into it.

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Elementalist - - 732 comments

I imagine maybe they paid for it when it wasn't? Or less exclusivity? *shrug*

EDIT: Late reply, but I was right. xD

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Kamikazi[Uk] - - 1,412 comments

Dammit. We just bought a engine license for C4 because unity was to costly and now it goes free that sucks.

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formerlyknownasMrCP - - 892 comments

Yeah that's kind of bad- I nearly bought a license too but put it off because I wanted to see how the new unity and torque3D engines went. You never know, you might find some uses for C4- but yeah its a shame.

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Nokiaman - - 976 comments

Great stuff. New Tiger Woods browser game from EA uses this.

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Jeffman12 - - 1,475 comments

I don't get it, if it's free to use, why isn't it open source?
Not saying I have problems with the engine, I'm just curious. Afterall, I assume the reason it's being made free is due to the dev team moving on to something else.

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madgernader - - 39 comments

Just the indie license is free. The Professional version still has to be bought, and its nearly the same thing with some added features. So their still working on the engine.

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Feared - - 647 comments

Because other engine developer's could steal there work!
That's why UE is never open-source, even if you pay for the damned thing.

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Ark_ - - 583 comments

This is great news, I am going to mess around with this now and see how easy it is to work with.

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Kamikazi[Uk] - - 1,412 comments

Yah c4 engine is more off a engine like source, ut etc but if we could of got Unity free would be been better. still probley need to pay more anyway as our devolopment is a professional sold game anyway.

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GTJuggler - - 11 comments

After making 3 games so far (student, and a personal iPhone game), I can say Unity is my favorite engine to work with. My engine experience consists of UE2, Source, C4, Virtools, Trinigy Vision Engine, and GameMaker, so I know I haven't tried them all. Unity is just my favorite among the ones I've seen and my opinion seems to be shared by a bunch of people.

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madgernader - - 39 comments

After reading this and looking at the unity products page, it looks like the iphone version of unity isn't free. As it had its own license and wasn't part of the "indie" license that was made free. That might want to be changed in the article.

If I'm missing something tell me, cause I would love the iphone version to be free.

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Setlec - - 44 comments

here on this page it says that there is linux version but not the official page, any comments?

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