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Post news Report RSS [Project Brazil] Worldspace Video and Voiced Characters

Today, we show a video walk-through of the Black Bear Worldspace with our Original Sound Track, and show off the voice talent of Roger Owen, playing John Bragg.

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Since it has been a long while since we reported on our worldspace and voice acting, today we have a few images and videos showing off our progress.

This is what our little worldspace looks like, before LOD
Also, music from Erik. ;)

Highlighted in green is the path taken in this video across the map, at 200% speed.

The world looks amazing, realistic, and it's ENORMOUS. When you first walk out of Vault 18, the scope really doesn't hit you. It's not until you stand on the slopes of Mount Black Bear at the safehouse that you can see just how big the place is.

If you look at the ring of mountains, everything within the center of the ring is explorable, up to the edges near the mountains. As in real life, a lot of this is just wilderness occupying space, with points of interest being huddled together against the dangers of the wild.

It is a long walk from place to place. It feels like it will take forever. About 3 in-game days will go by walking from one end to the other. During the first quest, which takes you to the Safehouse to wait for the other survivors, you will only make it from the Vault door to Pinehaven.

The next quest takes you along the path outlined in the video, from Pinehaven to Union City, OR to Athen-tec Mine, depending on your choices in previous quests. Getting lost is part of the game, as you will only have a rough, Pre-war map to go by in your pip boy, with only a few markers set before you leave the Vault.

It needs to be a big place, because after the first quest, you must chose your side in a long conflict that will determine the fate of whole armies. Some of these battles will span entire segments of the map, with roving bands of soldiers making heir way between strongholds that are lost and won across the course of your missions. Some of them will take days to complete, as forces move across the terrain while you follow along, or wait for them to arrive.

There will be times you must go hunting for a trade caravan, or a supply depot hidden in the wastes. Thankfully, you will have a lot of time to complete quests, and not all of them span the whole map. for those that do, you will have quest markers and fast travel points.

You will no doubt notice from the video, that there are objects popping in and out of existence all over the place, and that you can't see beyond the cell boundaries. I know, it sucks, but that's how this engine works. Before we finish the worldspace, it will look like this. When we RELEASE the worldspace, it will have everything done, and you'll be able to see from horizon to horizon.

What's taking so long isn't just that I (Brandan Lee) am the only guy working on the worldspace currently, but also that our LOD generation, the rendering process that will allow distant objects to appear as a low-res model in every direction, will take approximately FOUR STRAIGHT WEEKS of raw computing time to generate.

That's not four weeks in little bursts with save points, that's a month of the computer never turning off, and having 100% of its resources used. NON STOP 24/7. That requires there be no power outages, no accidents, no crashes, for an entire month.

I, personally, don't own a computer powerful enough to do this. I've made Project Brazil on a 1 year old 600$ laptop. ;) We do, however, have an open call to anyone willing to help us.

Warning: there are some spoilers. ;)

Here is Coach John Bragg, voiced by Roger Owen. Since we are handling all of our voice acting at the Radian-Helix Media studio, you can be sure of this level of quality and talent being maintained throughout the game.

We currently have almost all of our voice actors in mind, except the actor playing Dr.Rossman.

This video shows off our New Game Start just after the Intro Cinematic ends. You can hear Coach Bragg yelling at you from the sidelines to make your choice. The video skips everything else, so this is just a tiny glimpse at the entire Vault 18 story. ;)

Let us know what you think in the comments, and I will try to get back at you when I have the time!

As always, you can keep up with us on Facebook: Facebook.com

and our Fallout New Vegas Nexus Site: Newvegas.nexusmods.com


Brandan Lee
Project Leader

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AlekZanDer - - 2,695 comments

Amazing stuff!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
CIP3RM - - 10 comments

This looks top notch! The only problem that I have is that Brazil doesn't... well, look like Brazil. Now I know the whole Fallout story and how yeah, the place should look like ****, but I'm pretty sure there's no Pine trees in Brazil plus where's the (Now creepily) stunning coastline?

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PembrokeWelshCorgi - - 57 comments

The game doesn't actually take place in Brazil, if you hadn't figured that out already. I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in California.

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Thaiauxn AuthorSubscriber
Thaiauxn - - 1,674 comments

I can't wait for this to come out, and people still being disappointed when they discover it has nothing to do with the country of Brazil. :p

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Jeffman12 - - 1,475 comments

So, I know networked computing is a thing, have you guys looked into that? I'd gladly devote my unused system resources to getting a chunk of the work done.

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Thaiauxn AuthorSubscriber
Thaiauxn - - 1,674 comments

I wish it worked that way, unfortunately, you cannot break up the render across multiple processors, let alone multiple PCs.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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