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Add job Report Looking for Enviornment Artist for 2D cinematic platformer at Anywhere

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Anywhere on

We are looking for an environment artist who will work under our lead artist in making background and environment assets and concepts for a 2D platformer.

A bit about the game, Solstice is a 2D cinematic platformer where personifications of winter and summer travel across season themed environments in order to reunite together, game involves light puzzle solving but is generally designed to be a unstressful experience

Below is a pitch slide show to get an idea of the environment and en example of our art style


Currently this is a volunteer project, with rev share discussions to happen closer to release.

If this sounds interesting to you, send some examples of your work to swampfoxxstudios@gmail.com

To Apply

Send an email tiled Environment Artist for Solstice to swampfoxxstudios@gmail.com with some examples of your art work