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Add job Report Programmer needed for the next big thing [PSX golden era JRPG inspired] at 34ROCKETS

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by 34ROCKECTS on


TLDR; We're making a game heavily inspired by the late 90's JRPG greats like Final Fantasy 7-9, Legends of dragoon, Resident Evil, and today's Overwatch (this makes more sense with GDD context). Beautiful pre rendered backgrounds to take a knee with while relaxing to the masterfully composed soundtrack after clutching that last scrappy heart pounding battle.

Our programmer finished laying significant ground work, but needs to step back a little and limit his time to the project and suggested picking someone up to help bring it all together. They would still be involved and part of the discord so you would not be thrown into the dark.

We're looking for someone who is familiar with NavGrid (to implement movement of battlers during combat), and experience implementing Enemy AI.

We're using Unity(C#) as the engine with DevOps for version control. We have one extra seat to add to the project.

We're also looking to add one more environment Artist to collaborate with our current artist on bringing the pre-rendered scenes to life.

We have a discord for the team that requires an NDA signed for access. The Discord also includes 100+pages of design documents as well as a programming focused document that details the mechanics and interactions between the player and the game world.

It's unpaid until picked up by a publisher and a budget is received, I want to make sure that's clear. Once picked up by a publisher/successful crowdfunding, jobs will be offered to everyone involved with this project.


Let's Mosey

To Apply

email thirtyfourrockets@gmail.com with your portfolio/examples of your work