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Add job Report (Revshare) Programmer for "Hearthstone meets soccer" card battle game at Anywhere

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Bethain on

Hi there,

To sum up my idea, think Hearthstone but football instead of fantasy. I realize it's a bit of a long shot, but I strongly believe this concept has tons of potential. I have 2 other jobs (one of them as a composer and writer for a reputable developer), but I want to really start devoting more time to this project myself and to find someone to help me actually develop the thing. I have a basic GDD you can check out if you're interested. I really don't have any kind of budget, so I'm hoping to find someone who's willing to work on building a prototype as a passion project, with a revshare deal and potentially an eye to crowdfunding later stages of development (I have some experience in this area). Is this something that catches your interest at all? If so drop me a message and let's talk.



To Apply

Drop me an email: kickoffgames433@gmail.com