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Add job Report We are looking for 3D ANIMATOR at Anywhere

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by GP_1 on

we are looking for someone who can work with a character whose RIG was created in Maya.
We are looking for someone to help us finish a few more animations and make corrections to a few already finished animations based on the iterations we are doing. The advantage may be that we don't need to hurry. We just need to continue and help us finish a few more animations.

All the new animations will always be delivered from us in the form of clear sketches /please check this LINK/.

There's currently no funding available, any potential revenue will be split among team members based on contribution. We have Gentleman’s Agreement, where the rules of cooperation are written and where the proposed reward will be for you. At the same time, we are willing to agree on a certain small reward that we will pay for the animations you create.

Thank you for your time and reading.

To Apply

If interested, please contact me on Discord:
Krystoferson#0153 or on my mail: toma.hanus@post.cz