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Add job Report We are starting as a publisher and need Developers at Polygon Art

Level Designers located Anywhere.

Posted by Polygon Art on

Pitch us your game and we pay you to develop it, bring it to consoles and retail!


We at Polygon Art are starting our adventure as a small indie Publisher. Over the last 11 years we developed and released countless successful games across PC and Console with frequency retail releases and showcases at Gamescom and PAX West.

Our next endeavor is starting as a Publisher. Therefore we are looking for:

  • Solo or small team Unreal Engine 5 developer
  • At least one playable prototype developed or ideally one release game
  • Located in central or eastern Europe
  • Pitches for action, Shooter or Simulation games.

Pitch us our concept or prototype or even existing game in the genre Action, Shooter or Simulation.

  • Smallest Scale project
  • Leadplatform PC

Send us your Pitch with informations about you, your estimated development budget and timeframe.

We are waiting for you.

To Apply

Send your pitch to contact(at) polygon-art.com