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LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Could we.. uh... Not advertise?.. I dunno 'bout anything of it being unallowed, but stay on topic.. >.>

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

By Gen.Knives | Wed 20th Sep, 2006 @ 9:03:33am

The mod will still include subterrainian vehicles correct?

If it does they should give GDI the ability to build a vehicle that can lay down pavement to prevent random underground tanks from appearing in your base.

Why in the world would you do that? >.> in TS, random Subterrainian attacks happened ANYWAY.. =P

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

By -god_that_failed | Sun 17th Sep, 2006 @ 2:30:17pm

Defidently, it's 90% now.

DEFINITLY . . . Unless the Team messes up on something.. Hope I don't jynx anything. :P

But Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars releases in January 2007.

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

I for one, cannot play Renegade at the moment, -. -... Adding a new video card, sooome how, messed up my Internet Components for WWOL.. Sooo.. I don't think I'll be reinstalling Renegade anytime soon until Reborn's released..

'Sides, that's basically all I'm waiting on, for Renegade, is Reborn... A CNC Fan like me gets easily bored with your everyday originality, being Renegade... I need something NEW. *desperatly wants to pilot the MMKII* I'd drool but that'd be a bit over doing it...I just hope Reborn's not too big, lol. Not that Renegade's big at all to begin with.. 900 or so MB game. XD

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Taunts I believe are on a few select servers. Black-Cell, Ren Station, FNFall... I can't remember.. But to do taunts is simple now since CP2 has came out. All you've gotta do is turn Numlock on/off, whichever it's set to allow, and push the proceeding numbers on the pad and it'll do a taunt.

And yeah, those Arty/MRLS barrages are pretty damn overrated. Any overpacked server like BlackCell marathon or any Marathon server for that matter, play on Field, the game's gonna go nowhere if NOD gets ahold of the field and begins to tech/Arty your base..

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

You know.. It's be one thing and a very cool thing if it was possible to prevent flames and tiberium spray from going through objects. I mean, it's not like it effected anyones health and such.. but it's kind of annoying when you're trying to repair something, or trying to navigate...Never-the-less it was just annoying me the fact such poorly paid attention to graphics..

and I highly.. HIGHLY doubt it's possible to add recoil to anything in Renegade. The engine's just so limited it's not funny.

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

I started one hell of a controversy of numerous things here I see. >.>

And we went over the Titan's reload and shell animation already like 2 pages back or so.. I don't believe they said anything but the fact we all started going on the "Resource" available to play the animation... I don't feel like looking back pages, so I take it that it 'was' stated it doesn't require too much animation resources, and they might implement it.. >.>


Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

OHHH MY GOD. **** Happens -bolts out of here-
Pendullum FTW! . . >.>

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Yay, and when Paradox sees this, she'll flip out and delete all these posts! -gets in Banshee and blows up everyone's home-

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

By mr_buck3t | Sat 9th Sep, 2006 @ 7:51:17am

americans speak the best english...and what do u mean wingdingo?

English, originated from Englend... Therefore, the English speak better, and MUCH more propper english than we Americans... Americans, on the other hand, ruined and tarnished the meaning.. I mean, just look at everyone "Yo dawg, wha' up" "Tha shi's tight" lol. Anyway...

Why isn't the MKII in the game?!? I hope it's implemented before the release... The MKII is what drives the "super power" feeling of the game. XD

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

I'm sorry Ven... But you're 100..... Ahem, 110% infuckingsane and even more so, offtopic. Keep your stories to yourself please.. and for the sake of humanity, would you use proper grammar!? My god damn brain almost exploded, trying to read what the hell you said.

and about the Titan's upper-half being able to rotate... No, it shouldn't. It didn't in TS..

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

<3 Pendullum.. Lmao, alright now..
Anyway, I got a question... Rather a request... Could one of the modding members tell us how much more improved the MKII is.... Mobility-wise? in the unoffical 200-whatever release of Reborn, when the MKII turned, sometimes it locked up in place, or it started to tip over and fall into the map, the replace itself... and on rare occasions... When you started walking, anything you got close to would toss the MKII ... a million miles ahead of the position it was in... and no, I'm not affiliating this with the old Reborn, the mod anyway. Just wondering if the MKII will have better mobility than the old reborn.

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

I've got a question.. About the NOD Repair Tank... If anything, is the repair arm limited to static animation, or does the arm actually extend when reparing?

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

By -Pendullum | Fri 1st Sep, 2006 @ 3:57:18pm

There won't be a single player included, it takes too much time to code and implement

uh... It only took WestWood/EA about 6 months to completly do the campagins... but the online thing took them a little longer.. For the fact they kept losing teams to do it, as with Blizzard and their affliates with the Starcraft: Ghost team.. So to say..

I'm guessing the time it takes to do the campagin coding and all depends on the knowledge of the modder... Or how much work gets done in one day.

is the Reborn team, at all, looking into adding single player in the future? Or is it just a lost cause?

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

This probably has already been asked numerous times, hell I might of asked it, but I must know for sure. . . . I don't feel like reading 2 million spam posts to find it.......

Will the mechs feel continue walking in place?...

oh and.. As for the Mammoth... I so hope its railguns move in a smooth slow motion, like the NOD Artillery in the normal Renegade... Those guns moving as fast as they did in the beta/unsupported version of Renegade looked pretty retarded..

Another question.. Will the proximity mines be stealthed so you can't see em when you walk around?

I forgot.. Some one, any one answer this if you've played TS.. I can't remember... Does the Banshee have a time delay between shots fired? and this is for the Reborn team, if they have delayed time reaction, will they in Reborn?

GDI's jumpjet, what gun will it be using? Single round of 5 bullets, or automatic like standard inssue assault rifles in Renegade?

Will NOD's Cyborb Commando have the fancy interior design for the 1sr person view of it, like in the unsupported Reborn?

Will Tic-Tanks actually have an animation that properly works unlike the unsupported Reborn? Will it let you transform while inside it or will it eject you, then you have to get back inside it or will it be stantionary, like turrets, yet count on the tank limit (if there's a tank limit)

(sorry for all the questions.. Don't wanna flood the hell out of everyone so I'm putting all my questions in one thing..)

Will NOD get the choice of Cluster/ and whatever other nuke they got, in Reborn?

and last but not least.... Will the manipulation of the 3d engine allow for Fire Storm Walls to actually work like in TS?

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Nooooooo, the island, THE ISLAND!. . . Uhm .. Yeah.. -shoots all islander and throws the CoCO-nuts in the water. ANYWAY.. Day 17 without any updates. I think they don't love us anymore. =(

Must.. Pilot..A...Mammoth...

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ LegacyFactor

Well, Ven, you might wanna concider the fact you'll be concidered an insane reject the rest of your natural life, if you keep talking the way you do. Regardless the fact you're not an English speaking person. Now, think of it this way.. You're 13 right? Who cares?... Learn to speak propperly, and respectfully, and thoughtfully and you won't get put down. You're 13, you should act it. Because you know what? People don't like smart *****, faggots, dumbshits, and people who have no idea what the the hell they're doing, EVEN WHEN TOLD TO FOLLOW GUIDELINES... So to say, you don't follow the rules of the Modding team when told to: 1: Shut the **** up. 2: Stay on topic. 3: Don't Spam..

Anyway, I've got to get back to business, like a propper 17 year old would. and yes, I'm 17, and yes I'm bitching at you, or you may seem to think I'm bitching at you, but I'm really trying to help you out.


Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Along* xD

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Can't we all just.. get alone? <.< >.>

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

'Oooly ****, I just read this whole page and I see the Island's come back. Anyway...
Paradox.. Wouldn't that be a bit over doing it making a shell that big come out? I mean, not that it will, but could it cause lag? Depending on how fast the Titan fires?

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

By Mendoza001 | Wed 19th Jul, 2006 @ 3:24:20am

Hey Lt.ross, you asked if cheats exist for this game but ive only had that once.

It was on the renegade demo and i was on nod and all of a sudden the vehicles that we dropped instantly exploded and we all died the (when u shoot som1 with pers. ion cannon) ion death.
When we spawned after 10 or 5 secs we died from no reason and all of our freshly dropped vehicles exploded and it all counted as KILLS for 1 guy!!!!!

nod coud not fight back as we couldnt get out of the buildings without deing and we had no f*cking clue what was going on! And the worst, the whole GDI team just was ENCOURAGING him!!!

God that was awful, i dint know what cheat he used but i hope that wont happen in full renegade because we have Renguard. SO Lt.ross, u cant beat renguard

Sorry to break your confidence in Renguard Mendoza.. but Renguard is **** and protects nothing and noone. and that cheat's called Final Renegade.

Hell, if I wanted, all I have to do is ****************************************************************

Hehe,.. Thought I was gonna tell you how to bypass Renguard the easy, less sophisticated way? :P

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn


Actually.. The Renegade Engine is infact, not limited to spawning items under a character/tank... I've witnessed first hand in mod run games on servers in Renegade if you picked up a crate or something with a human character, you'd switch characters(given the crate trigger properties).. Don't know if it's possible to keep the body alive and switch tank models.. but I hope some one knows where I'm going with this.

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

I strongly do not believe you could do anything to make a sudden "skin change" if you will, during game play.. So, it still holds you could never make it possible to see a model body effect. but, I'm up to being righted, if anyone's able to wrong me.

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

I think that there should be like a hydrolic wire-like pump thing on the titans and other mechs' that you coud shoot it to disable it for a time, And tanks. God, I love anti-tank crap. Meby Reborn will make the mines blow off the treads or something...that would be kool. And Aircraft could be jamed up...yup. Would be kool for the vehicals to be disabled for a short time. That way the enemy could get there hands on the other guys crap. Would be kool to see a Nod MMk II running about. Or a GDI Harpy or something....I dunno...

Not gonna bother to see if someone said anything about this, but..
The Renegade Engine is EXTREMLY limited to what you can modify about that game, so you can't blow off anything from anything. You can SIMILATE it though.... You'd probably have to be very crafty to make some 'explosion' of some sort to make it seem like it did happen.

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Spam..... Way too much spam, lol.

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

The skins made for Renegade depict a certain unit, anyway so no. If you COULD, and did, it'd turn, say a GDI Soldier (reborn style) into a Renegade style Soldier.

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Good ******' God dude, enough LoL's? and I doubt we'll be able to use the skins because the skins made for Renegade purposes are defined to a certain file in the Renegade directory. As for Reborn, it has it's own directory, and might have a different file structure.

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

Stay on topic guys.. x.x
Might of been 12 days since the last update, but it wasn't as long as a month of no updates, you'll live. xD

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

It will see a release this summer I bet. Gives me a reason to stay inside. Also the Mammy Mk2 is gonna be a big vulnerable without support fire beacuse it can only fire in straight lines. I could run circles around it in my Devil's Tongue

Uh..... It DOES have an auto turret, and it DOES have hellfire missles...

Good karma+1 vote
LegacyFactor - - 38 comments @ Tiberian Sun: Reborn

I wish you and everyone would stop this protest about anything about the "old" or "non reborn team" Reborn. Just a damn mod. Let people say what hey have to say aslong as it is in referance to the current project.

Good karma+1 vote