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It was a long time ago since we posted any news, so I decided to do it now. Well I can tell you why we haven't posted anything, or maybe you can figure that out from the last news. But it's all because my PC broke, and I had to get it fixed before I could work with the mod again. I thought it would go quick, maybe one week or something, but it actually took a whole month! And it cost me a lot of money too.

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It was a long time ago since we posted any news, so I decided to do it now. Well I can tell you why we haven't posted anything, or maybe you can figure that out from the last news. But it's all because my PC broke, and I had to get it fixed before I could work with the mod again. I thought it would go quick, maybe one week or something, but it actually took a whole month! And it cost me a lot of money too.

However, I got my PC back at about Halloween, then I was ready to work again. I thought about posting a news to tell the community that we are back on track again, but I wanted to work some more so we could release screenshots and stuff, which we are doing right now!

Cutscene on some roofs

So here is a screenshot of the cutscene that I have been working with for two whole weeks now. It's about 6-7 minutes long, it has over 70 animations, 300 point entities and 50 multimanagers that starts when you load the map. It's a bit complex (it had to be, because Half-Life doesn't really support cutscenes), so it has taken me loads of time to make it. Cutscenes are very hard to make, you might know that, you who have tried to make one.

Sadly though, you can skip the cutscenes if you want, which is a great feauture for those people who just want to run around and shoot stuff (or those who really suck and need to view the cutscenes all over again ;)).

There is a lot more that we have been working on, that I don't want to reveal, because it would spoil really much. I think we have been showing a little bit too much things from this mod, so that's why I don't want to. Like building a big bunch of hype, and then you won't be surprised/happy when you actually are playing it.

The mod is shaping up smoothly, we still have't updated the progress bar yet though, we are not really sure how much percent is done, and we are afraid that we might update it too much. It's really hard to judge how complete a mod is by a percent bar, you might understand that.

Nevertheless, I don't have much more to say, just keeping you in touch you know. We are definitely not dead, and we will never be, that's just uncool.

Keep tracking, and we'll post some other stuff sooner or later.
Peace -ruMpel

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Xylemon - - 2,678 comments

Damn, sounds like it was real bitch to do. Keep up the good work ruMpel

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Nembo - - 87 comments

Sounds great, Keep up the good work.

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Wakkaboom - - 469 comments

Cool man I hope it goes great for you mate!!

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Nicklan - - 205 comments

Thank god you aren't dead.Keep up the good work.

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MrTambourineMan - - 717 comments

I wants your mods!

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ruMpel Author
ruMpel - - 1,060 comments

Thank you guys for your support, great comments. :)

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HmTervapuro - - 532 comments

Yar keep some mystery, thats good. =D

Once this is out, I´ll buy HL1 again (lost my previous copy)

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Ashkandi - - 612 comments

Yeah, i hate 53935 triggers at cutscenes too. Plus i use moron names like asd1, fart1, vomit2, etc. :D

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death5421 - - 342 comments

keep up the good work guys! better take your time and make something with defining quality then to rush it and have it be complete crap.

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Res1 - - 359 comments

whoa dude thats awesome i thought this mod was dead and how did you get the mod files back after you got a new computer?

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D3ads - - 3,793 comments

"70 animations, 300 point entities and 50 multimanagers"

**** dude, rather you than me.. lol Great work anyhow!

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junegloom - - 891 comments

Glad to hear from you guys! Keep up the good work.

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mxtomek - - 142 comments

Next great mod from this team. Witing to play. :)

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returpack - - 53 comments

Waiting! :D:D:D

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TheShadowCookie - - 364 comments

Great do have you guys back ;)
Keep up your good work, and take your time! Awesome stuff with the cutscene, Im sure it will give a giant plus to the atmosphere in the final game ;)

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AlekZanDer - - 2,695 comments

Good news.

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RavenITA - - 233 comments

I really like the idea of cutscenes here and there, great work!

300 point entities and 50 multimanagers... yea I know what you mean heh, not to mention if you have a BAD shadow system (like myself) and you need to adjust the shadow direction every time, its a real mess...

Keep up this awesome job!

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