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Post news Report RSS Blog 112.

Blog 112 deals with our new Time of day system! The almost finished soviet barracks and the various props we are going to use to decorate our maps!

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The Soviet Barracks (W.I.P)

dtrngd has been hard on work to get the Soviet Barracks all ready for texturing on both the exterior and interior fronts.

"More Props!" yelled Director One Winged Angel on the Set of Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising!

Poggel has been hard at work on extra map props for AR, as you can see with this lovely Firefly Billboard!

Checkout the full blog here


As you can probably tell, normal MODDB poster Coolrock left Bluehell productions in order to pursue better things, so I Lord_Kane have taken over, if you go to the Website you will find I am the news poster there as well, Anyways, due to this, blogs 108 and 111 where missed, I present links to them below incase you use Moddb as your primary source of Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising updates.

Blog 108: Here!
Blog 109: Here!
Blog 110: Here!
Blog 111: Here!


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Dr._Soviet - - 46 comments

Very nice. Looking forward to play this game!!!

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Lord_Kane Author
Lord_Kane - - 180 comments

heh, we are equally looking forward to getting it out there for you to play.

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bfrheostat - - 66 comments

Ahhh good models.

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Neon-Ghost - - 1,605 comments

hahahah, serenity

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Scarwing - - 418 comments

Awesome! kinda reminds me of "a Path beyond" but still looks cool =P

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Lord_Kane Author
Lord_Kane - - 180 comments

Red Alert: A Path Beyond is another project of Bluehell Productions we even share staff with them :P so of course it would. except they do a Red Alert 1 based game and we do a Red Alert 2 based game :D

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L0K - - 268 comments

Cant wait!

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