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Hello everyone! This article is about the change of direction for the game plus some updates that were happening with the game development.

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Hello there!

General Kenobi!

Recently, a change in the direction of the game occurred and the game no longer will take place in the past as it was recently made for and it will no longer take place on Earth. The narrative changed with a 180 and the games theme of focus is: SPACE!

To illustrate better what made this happen, I will list the changes as questions, which will also probably help with understanding better what is going on:

  • What made you change the narrative?

Sincerely, I didn't like how the game was turning out initially, making the player navigate an abandoned mine. Initially, it was supposed to have a kind of exploratory map with the addition of having a mutant creature following them, something from the likes of Greylock ARG. However, I got stuck of making the story make sense, and focused on another theme, but still looking to somehow make it about exploratory-survival game. This turned out in a one night where I had the idea of moving the theme into the future.


  • Does it have new mechanics that come with the change of theme?

Yes. The player not only will have an oxygen bar that they will need to watch in order to not suffocate and die, they will also need to repair it, which if left unattended it will speed up the oxygen depletion (like a hole through your space suit's oxygen reserve). This will basically be the Oxygen System Interface where you will be able to go and replenish the lost oxygen, repair the pumps and generally manage your resources of O2.

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The game will also have nights where each night the player can buy miscellaneous items to help them the next day (or night, not too much light on the moon). The game mechanic is inspired from games like However, this currency needs to be earned by mining the superconductor metal Haumean which the story revolves around and also sell it. This was inspired from games like Stardew Valley, Five Nights at Freddy's and Lethal Company.

There are other mechanics as well that I will not spoil until later on or when the game releases. :)

  • The graphics changed a bit, the game looks pixelated. Is this intended?

Yes, this is intended. I wanted to give the game a retro feel since I am a huge fan of old games, although I enjoy games with mouth watering realistic graphics. I grew up with old games and simply wanted to make the game look like an old one as well. That and also to mask my terrible 3D modelling skills (don't tell anyone!)


  • When we will have a playable demo?

Sometime in the near future hopefully, so stay tuned!

Without wasting more time, going back to work and will come back with more news when I will have them!


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