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UPDATED WITH PICS: Join us at Team Blur Games as we have a little fun with our own mini ARG style game...

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The following has been deemed eyes only for the Confederate Marine Corps. Security Chief. If you believe you have received this information in error please notify your nearest security station immediately or face termination in accordance with the "2092 Saboteur Act" Excluding Sector 7A to 7F or otherwise lost territory areas where safety is a concern.

>>> Date: 07-03-55
>>> To: David Kayson @ Security
>>> From: Science Division

Sir you asked me to look into what that strange device was we found in quarantine section 4438? Well I've been doing some research on the device and I'm puzzled. It’s acting as a storage device for data on the Marauders but seems to only be one way in data communication transmission, almost as if it acts as a local hub for... Well I just don't know. Every attempt I tried was unsuccessful in finding out what information the device holds, I even tried a full memory dump and I just couldn’t figure it out. I was ready to give up on the project and file it in accordance with section 19 of the Salvaged Technology requirements and then it hit me... It was so obvious. The unit was still producing a small power footprint, so maybe it’s still receiving data from... somewhere. I managed to track down the actual transmission the unit was receiving and I found data sir, Marauder data, hidden in the wavelengths. The data I've found is far too small to be the entire transmission and I believe we are close to finding out more, but I'm passing it onto some more guys here to see if we can't crack this baby wide open.

The following image is what we have been able to decode of the transmission. Clearly this is a Marauder unit, look at that logo, it’s them…

User Posted Image

The image was easy enough to find, it was hidden in a data packet called "Description Of All…" and was called "MDR". However, I've also located five more data packets; each one with what I can only assume is code for what it contains inside...? The following are the remaining five codes. Why don’t you take a crack at it, see if you can’t beat our best brains here…

Data Packet One: "He Heals Our Fallen Brothers..." Answer - "locum"
Data Packet Two: "The Year Of Our Salvation..." Answer - "2155"
Data Packet Three: "He Gives Us Power To Fuel Destruction..." Answer - "infiltrator"
Data Packet Four: "The Year Of Life's End..." Answer - "2012"
Data Packet Five: "The Enemy We Face In Life And Death..." Answer - "cmc"

I'll keep you updated on progress sir.

>>> Message Ends

EDIT: I just updated the news post with all the pics! Good job to all those of you that found them! Now you can all see them! Every answer is available on these very pages or on the OverDose website!

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CoachShogun20 - - 322 comments

Cool. You guys should do something like that for the intro video.

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GavinStevens Author
GavinStevens - - 620 comments

Have you actually FOUND the five pics yet then...? That was fast, I should make it harder next time.

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CoachShogun20 - - 322 comments

No, I was just talking about the whole transmission thing. Like, open it with soldiers talking over transmissions. Would the pics be in the gallery?

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GavinStevens Author
GavinStevens - - 620 comments

HINT: They are not hosted on this site, and the first picture is located on the post. Find the remaining 5 the same way with the hints below...

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GavinStevens Author
GavinStevens - - 620 comments

Man you guys have really let me down on this, other sites have it and BAM! There it is....

Take the URL of the pic... Answer the questions... Get rewards not seen in the public before of something you may want to see...

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JustDaveIsFine - - 1,546 comments

Edit: I figured it out. I had to add '.jpg' at the end else I get an error. I wasn't thinking about that for some reason.

It looks like...Oh wait, I don't want to spoil it for anyone.

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Sionfel - - 1,567 comments

So far, i've found 2 and 5.
i'll check in again when i go to the website
edit: 4, too.

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Sionfel - - 1,567 comments

okay, so i gave up trying to find number three. but the rest, i did get.

are you planning on releasing the subject matter of this little game soon?

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