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Meet the Protagonist - The Kitten! A few screenshots of our main character and ongoing progress on the game.

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We would like to share a little about our main character - the kitten. What you see is some alpha progress and we hope to improve on it. We used an adult cat model and transformed it into a kitten using Blender. Getting the features right was not as easy as we first thought. We all know how kittens look like and have a vague idea what distinguishes them from adult cats, but pinpointing every detail and ending up with a cute kitten is a bit harder.

Main Character Alpha

Making the paws bigger and the whole body smaller with slightly larger and a more round head was the first step, but what we think made the biggest difference was the higher forehead and eyes more in the middle of the head. We think it came out pretty nice. Another thing was painting the model, where another free tool was used, Sculptris, where you can sculpt and paint your models fairly easily, but some fine tuning still had to be done in GIMP.

Main Character AlphaMain Character Alpha
Main Character Alpha

We still have some minor problems with the model, but we think it looks good for now. Now the plan is to focus on polishing animations and work out some details with the controls. Interacting with objects also needs a little work but we hope to work it out by next week and bring you more updates on navigation and interaction with the world.

What do you think of our little kitten? If you have an idea or some feedback, we invite you to share.
Also remember to track us and follow our updates on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr.
We will do our best to keep the goodies coming.

Thanks for tuning in.

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HenryT77 - - 501 comments

More blacky!

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SmartCat Author
SmartCat - - 92 comments

Hopefully more in the future. :)

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Guest - - 705,586 comments

Cool idea :) keep it up!

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SmartCat Author
SmartCat - - 92 comments

Thanks, we'll do our best! :)

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COFAGames - - 3 comments

I would like to see a really fat cat :)

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SmartCat Author
SmartCat - - 92 comments

There is still a question of kittens mom, so you just might get your wish :)

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HenryT77 - - 501 comments

Put some cat-food in game so players will be collect it. It could be as in flash-game Sushi Cat (check it in free moment) ;)

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SmartCat Author
SmartCat - - 92 comments

That sounds like a good idea. We were thinking of a nice reward system for solving the puzzles and cat food is a good candidate. Will check out the game too :)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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