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An update on our progress this month, including progression to Alpha 2, screenshots of two new maps, introduction of some new team members and a peek at how our sound designer works behind the scenes.

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Hey folks! It’s that time of the month again. June has been a great month for the team, with a couple of new members, a ton of playtesting, and generally as much productivity as a mod team could hope for. We’ve progressed into Phase 2 of our internal alpha testing with a small team of playtesters, and had a blast doing so and watching the gameplay continously become more streamlined and fun. Here are a couple of screenshots from our playtesting sessions; the first two are from Ztormi’s map ww_somme and the others are from Wickit’s map ww_passchendaele.

We are rapidly progressing towards an open beta, although we don’t have a timeframe on that yet. In the meantime, we will slowly expand our alpha testing team and continue tweaking and improving the current features. Please do not ask to be an alpha tester. We have an ample number of candidates to draw from already, and the best way to improve your chances of becoming one are to participate and be active in the community. This month we added two team members; please welcome ivsound, our talented new sound designer, and JAWS, who will be doing weapon animations for us. Our team still has vacancies, so if you are a talented 2d or 3d artist (particularly in the area of character modeling or animation) or an experienced Source level designer, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

That’s almost all for this month, but before we go, here’s a blog post ivsound has written detailing the creation of one of the WWI: Source machinegun sounds, including a short in-game video. Check it out here. We would also like to cordially invite you all to our community, which you can access through our discussion forum or Steam group. Also add us to your ModWatch if you haven't already. See you in July!

Post comment Comments
ty5142 - - 36 comments

keep on going guys this looks like a very good mod and has some great potental

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EyeWierd - - 3 comments

It's getting better and better. Keep at it

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Gnostic - - 447 comments

Amazing stuff guys. Loved your hl1 releases to death (best 4 am lans ever !!!) Keep it up!

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wav - - 69 comments

Awesome artillery.

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faulk - - 754 comments

very good work, sons! put some corpses and bones on the battlefield. ;)

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ausbushman - - 343 comments

Looks very good!

I love open battlefields like this, should make for some tense combat.

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vfn4i83 - - 692 comments

Looking good. Going to hve a eye on it

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Juffe - - 393 comments


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Potteh - - 326 comments

Love my war games, this looks like something I'd love to play with my friends. Keep it up, looks top notch.

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Torabi - - 376 comments

This mod is coming along nicely! Good job guys, can't wait to try it.

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Betelgeuze - - 872 comments

very nice, I sill don't get why they never make commercial ww1 games :(

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tetrodoxin - - 95 comments

One question. Is that Orange Box Engine or the old HL2:EP1 engine?

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Ztormi - - 137 comments


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tetrodoxin - - 95 comments

Thanks for the quick answer, good to hear. Awesome stuff you made there!

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Hunt3d - - 13 comments

you say you need a character animator? ;D

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wickit - - 88 comments

are you offering your services ?

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ConfusedMaster - - 321 comments

wuuuuuuuuargh! cool! im tracking! :))))

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freredarme - - 4,361 comments

Nice concept, i like it.
You need add some détails and props and new textures in your maps !
Good luck

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bhyssk123 - - 9 comments


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zawmbabwe - - 89 comments

Nice to see an update, keep up the good work!

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HectorShiroi - - 302 comments

After "Flander's fields" died (I was also registered as forum member) I always hope in another WWI game...and that's it! good work keep it up, I'll one of the first downloading this when I'll be out :D

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Shadowmetroid - - 393 comments

Good to see you still alive. Nice work, keep it up!

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