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It's been a month since last release, and THIS time, the HECU have moved into control and our website has been revamped!

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Hello everyone and welcome to Media Release number three! Like the summary said, its been a little over a month now since something happened here the last time, so we, the dev team, thought it would be nice to show a little of what has been going on.

The HECU division snagged much of the focus these last few weeks as two of our modelers worked hard to bring about an updated version of the HECU marine as well as the player hands. Here's a shot of the new marine:

And secondly, the marines fighting a desperate battle against Vortigaunts right after the Osprey aircraft has been downed by a Manta in the beginning of the game:

You'll be able to view the player arms in our moddb gallery later, but first and foremost on our very own new website. That is also where we will post our later releases first as well as any other kind of extras that we might think of making. So feel free to visit our new homepage at www.obmsource.com , and take a look around. Cudos goes to our webmaster who is the architect of both the code and the stunning visuals. We'll also be changing forums as soon as we get the database from the old one copied and transfered.

And not to forget; Don't forget to take a look at our very first trailer! It shows bits of the programming and animation done so far in the mod and without being very modest, it looks great ^^

So stay tuned. Things are in motion!

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mjnowak - - 104 comments

The link is broken, heres the proper link:

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DragonNOR Author
DragonNOR - - 567 comments

It was because of a misplaced comma ^^ I've fixed it anywho

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m82sniper - - 1,490 comments

Wow, the sight looks a lot like the sight of Black Mesa... Anyways, good luck, I hope to play this in the future.

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Nathanius - - 2,305 comments


my poor patience is taking a beating again :(

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NullSoldier - - 973 comments

Alright, I've been looking forward to this media release from you guys for awhile now.

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MG60 - - 96 comments

nice work you have done there, keep it up

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roadrunner09 - - 67 comments

Thanks guys.
Would love to see you guys on the forums =P.

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freredarme - - 4,361 comments

Nice artwork, bad model xD

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DragonNOR Author
DragonNOR - - 567 comments

What do you think is bad with it? Just saying its bad won't really give us much to work on :)

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freredarme - - 4,361 comments

I don't like the helmet and gasmask :(
Where is the radio :?

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DragonNOR Author
DragonNOR - - 567 comments

Alright, what exactly about the helmet and gasmask is it that you don't like? Colour,shape etc?

And as far as I remember, Shephard never had a radio on his person, thats why you used the stationary ones. At least a shortrange personal radio was never used when playing either passively or actively :/

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freredarme - - 4,361 comments

You hope add the screenshots of this media on gallery of moddb !

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