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The Realms of Fire and Blood takes a new road as we change our base mod.

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Hello My Fellow and Faithful Subjects. I wanted to apologize for being out of contact, I've been having family trouble and then I had computer issues that took a bit to get squared away. It's been a few days and this is what we've got accomplished:

  • Completely Remodeled/Redecorated Discord (Channel Layout, information posts, the whole nine yards), and added more aesthetically pleasing role requests.
  • Restoring all the Website Support Services (Website, Bug Tracker), and I also revamped the Development Roadmap, this is available on the website.
  • Restored our Social Media Presence.
  • Revamped our Patreon Listing as well as updating the tiers after hearing questions about donating to the mod.

Now onto Development. After quite a bit of soul searching, keeping in mind what I want for the mod, what I envision down the road, and after consulting with my team, I have decided to back-peddle a bit and change our Base Mod from Brytenwalda to Viking Conquest, and the following is my reasoning:

  • Brytenwalda is certainly a good mod, there is no question. However, the module system is quite old and antiquated, by several years. Whereas as the Module System for Viking Conquest (Due to it being an Official DLC) continues being actively developed, with the latest update being just last month.
  • Viking Conquest is much more polished, stable, and balanced especially since the Reforged Edition was released.
  • Viking Conquest also has the ability for players being able to steer ships, which in the Game of Thrones Universe is essential when you are trying do a playthrough as an Ironborn Reaver.
  • Viking conquest also has the Expanded Religion System that was started in Brytenwalda.
  • And; One of the biggest things I love most about Viking Conquest is that their Menu Presentations are so much more aesthetically pleasing, such as the scenic view when you enter a village or town.

What this means is that there will be a steeper learning curve as I will need to figure out what is different about this module system behind the scenes. I would ask for patience as I lead the Realms of Fire and Blood down a different path.

Additionally, in the coming weeks, I will be looking for individuals with backgrounds in 2D/3D Modeling, Texturing, and Scening Development. If you fall into these categories, message my Hand; Dawdlepuss or myself through our Discord Server.

May you all have good fortune in the wars ahead.

~Queen Cesilia

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RomRomRya - - 300 comments

Thanks for the post! I agree Vikings Conquest is indeed a good foundation to work from. Best wishes in development!

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CesiliaTargaryen Author
CesiliaTargaryen - - 111 comments

Hey there, thank you for your comment. Enjoy your day! :D

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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