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The process has such parameters as: cycle time, consumables used per cycle, a equipment without which the process is not possible, as well as personnel.

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I haven't been heard from for a long time, but that's all because I was hard working to preparing a complex but interesting update - the "Processes System".
And now it's ready! The new "Processes System" deepen the gameplay and gives the player new tasks and new opportunities.
Based on this update, the following ones will be released, which will add even more variety of game scenarios and features!

More info about the "Process System" update:
Now many activities (for example, or drilling, healing, unloading, etc.) are based on a single "Processes System". The process has such parameters as: cycle time, consumables used per cycle, a tool without which the process is not possible, as well as personnel.

- Process personnel this is crew members who must be assigned to the process carrier (for example, an engineer is assigned to the reactor module). Moreover, there are "mandatory personnel" - this is the personnel without whom the process on the carrier does not work (it is on pause), as well as "support personnel" - this is the personnel whose presence is not necessary, but it gives bonuses for the process (mostly it a bonus to speed of the process).
It is important to note: that sometimes there are requirements to the personnel. For example, a crew member (personnel) must have some of skills (module maintenance skill, engineering equipment mastery, etc.), and some kind of equipped tool and consumables.

The medic work as the personnel for the med. module (process speed bonus)

- There are processes without personnel (for example, the mining drone is automated and its drilling process does not require any personnel).

Mining drone do an automatic drilling process

- Also has been added to the game a "breakdowns". As a rule, breakdowns occur just during the execution of processes. Moreover, each process has its own unique breakdowns.
For example, on the mining drone there are two processes - the ore drilling process and the unloading process. During ore drilling, the drill may break (and the mining process will pause) and during unloading the unloading connector-conveyor may be damaged (the unloading process will pause). There are also quite universal breakdowns, such as a short circuit on the module or a failure of the module's control panel. They occur on almost every module, but they still look unique to each module.

- Breakdowns can have different effects - some slow down the process and some stop it altogether, and some can generally cause damage or disconnect the module from the electric system of the ship.

Broken fuel line

Reactor short circuit

Broken drill of the mining drone

By the way, the engine module and the reactor module can now be serviced (the so-called maintenance process) this gives bonuses for the speed of the ship and a bonus for energy production.

Flight engineer maintains the reactor

- Each breakdown has its own unique "fix process", which has its own set of requirements: as a rule, the fix process requires personnel with some kind of skill, tool and consumables. Most often, only personnel with the "fix skill" of a certain level are required (when there are no complex breakdowns). But sometimes, in addition, may be required consumables - "parts". Again, different breakdowns require different amounts of them.
By the way, in future updates, support maintenance slots will also be available for the fix process (to speed up the fix process), but this is for later.

- By the way, the fix process may also have breakdowns. That is, the repairman, fixing a breakdown can breaks something else because of his crooked hands), but this does not happen often.

Do not confuse the "fix process" of breakdowns/malfunctions and production problems with the "repair process". Repair process (ship, car, module) this is quite another thing - his task is to restore health points (HP). The repair process is similar to the healing process, when we restore HP from a character, but repairs restore HP from ships, equipment, modules and other inanimate things.
So far, there is no repair process in the game, you can only repairing from traders. But the repair process will appear in the next updates. It also will be not easy:) but more on that later.

By the way, medicines are now needed for the healing process (by a medical module or by medics). They can be bought from traders. Medics can maintain med. module (increase in the rate of healing).
There is also an idea to make such a feature - a medic crew member begins the process of healing a target and support personnel can be attached to him (well, like assisting a medic), they can be an ordinary soldier. If you are interested in such a feature - write here:)

Parts and medicines

New crew members have also been added to the game: a pilot and a flight engineer.

Flight engineer can repair more complex breakdowns and maintain more complex modules (for example, soldiers can also maintain modules, but not all), also flight engineer has good skills in engineering equipment. But the main task of a flight engineer, as can be understood from its name, is to maintain the ship's modules, which increases overall efficiency.

Pilot is needed to maintain the Bridge module, which increases bonuses for the speed of the ship and its maneuverability (which increases the chance of evading an enemy hit). Other characters can also maintain the bridge module, but they will not have a bonus for evasion, only for speed.
Also, the pilot is generally not bad at maintenance usual ship modules and has the skills to fix breakdowns, but to a lesser extent than the flight engineer.

Both of these subclasses are considered non-military. Their weapon and armor skills are very weak, but in general it is possible to equip them with low level weapons.
Both the pilot and the flight engineer are subclasses of the profession (class) engineer. That is, the class is an engineer, the subclass is a flight engineer. Other subclasses will appear in the future, such as a repairman (specialist in repairing the hull of the ship and fixing module failures), a miner (specialist in mining equipment for resource extraction, etc.)

In general, it is desirable to have at least one engineer on board (1 pilot and 1 engineer are now included in the free ship, instead of old soldier recruits).

Hint: always take at least one flight engineer with you, as module breakdowns can be caught at the most unsuitable moment, and soldiers cannot fix breakdowns of high complexity. It is recommended to take a pilot in the same way, his bonuses for the ship will help in space battles.
It is also better to take as many medicines and parts on board with you as possible, they are inexpensive and can be useful. And in general, it's good take more armor suits on your ship, especially with a helmet for walking on airless planets, as well as hand weapons. Fortunately, the cargo hold of the ship is large and these things take up little space.

Here's an update. Well, I'm going to do the following update as usual:)

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