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The demo version has been released for the public.

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The demo version has been released for the public to test it an it has been uploaded on two sites.The demo version includes the first three maps starting with your awakening,continuing with the obstacle course and finishing with the firing range.The demo is a limited version of the game.The full game will be released on August 2009.Since then,enjoy the demo version and the screenshots.

ScreenShots ScreenShots ScreenShots ScreenShots

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`DarcK - - 96 comments

It's a joke, isn't it? And yet i'm not nasty.

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skyreaper Author
skyreaper - - 29 comments

excuse me? :|

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`DarcK - - 96 comments

In brief, all is pretty bad : mapping, lighting, the progression is horrible, interest (?), etc.

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skyreaper Author
skyreaper - - 29 comments

I done all the best i could...sorry if you dont like it...and yea...its using FPS Creator engine...it is limited...the sounds are not so perfect,i admit,because i didnt recorded them...i used a text to speech program using SAM Microsoft voice...but now i have another program which allows me to create better sounds so please...if you didnt used FPSC and you dont know how to use it...please shut up and keep your comments for your translations k?

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Stubby - - 207 comments

use a better engine then.

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skyreaper Author
skyreaper - - 29 comments


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Stubby - - 207 comments

why not?

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skyreaper Author
skyreaper - - 29 comments

because i dont have the time to learn use it

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TheSkunk - - 192 comments

You should use Source. If used right, source has- to quote G-man from HL1- "limitlesss potentialll".

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airith - - 26 comments

this was made using a program called FPS maker i have used it before.
i went through the screen shots to be sure

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CoachShogun20 - - 322 comments

I'm downloading now. I'll tell you what I think.

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CoachShogun20 - - 322 comments

It could be alot better, even for FPSC. Add more lights and turn down the ambience. Make the hallway in the first level smaller, and add in some entities. I hope this helps.

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FLAPJACKDAN - - 245 comments

Im amazed the fps creator team didn't bother to give a ahit to make the game creator more flexable.

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_dhk_ - - 416 comments

Sorry to say that, but it's not the engine... although it's always said to be very limited, most people underestimate what can be done with it. An engine doesn't make a game, it's the author who does!!

FPSC may have limits, but they are not even touched here...

I'd suggest to do some learning and practicing concerning the engine instead of starting one game after the other and not finishing them ;)

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skyreaper Author
skyreaper - - 29 comments

um...this game will be finished...the first one was a..."joke" if you would like to say...it was a poor game representation after the second world war...anyway...this is only in the development phase so please...be patient

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_dhk_ - - 416 comments

That's alright and I really don't mean to hurt or blame you, honestly!

You oftenly mention that FPSC is limited, and that is my point. You really do not even touch those limits (for example that tutorial door texture thing) - FPSC is more than just a level editor. It's a whole engine! I think both ways of using it is ok (game engine or only the map editor), but if you use only the level editor, then don't blame the engine for the limits, be honest, work on your skills ;)

Anyway, good luck with this!

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skyreaper Author
skyreaper - - 29 comments

i always knew that the FPSC is not only the map editor...the map editor is only a small part of the engine...the engine contains all the scripts,entities,sound,effects and all stuff...i admit im not the best in FPSC...because i don't know how to program scripts because i didn't had time...now that the school is almost over im running for my last marks so i could finish the school with some good marks not 5...or 6...and i really dont have time to work or learn the whole FPSC engine...but i will do it after i finish the school...this means 2 more weeks...anyway...if this project will be finished(now i see that some entities are invisible when i compile the game) i will search members that knows how to use 3DS Max to make some models...some composers for music and other things...

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Jozor - - 106 comments

DOMINIK, why would you even use FPSC other than for very basic learning as a child to play about with(I've only used it once and relised how horrific it was firsthand), the engine itself is a horribly unoptomized, it is limited in the way its purpose is, which is to use the tools given to you, rather than trying to edit the engine or add to it. (which if you have the skills to do, you should be using a proper engine)
FPSC was made for the soul purpose of making money imo, like thegamemakers 3D GameMaker, their games that pretend to make you think your actualy making a game, when in reality your modding their own game on such a horribly basic level, its a game thats only purpose is to be modded and it costs way too much for the honour of doing that when you get such a bad "game" for a base.
Also if that dosn't prove it, FPSCX10 proves it, instead of using optomizations on FPSC, they brought out a newer more optomized but still slow product because of the newer graphics only for Vista because of DX10 for you to waste your cash on.

If you have the skills, then FPSC is worthless, its more practical to buy one of the more exensive but better game engines or even the free open source engines.

I realy am glad I didn't buy it as a kid lol, GameMaker is much better for learning =) and on that point, skyreaper, you should move to GameMaker, it may not be 3D, but you can make anything with that and it truely be your own work.

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Jozor - - 106 comments

Is moddb's front news random or are Moddb just trying to be totaly cruel on this poor kid. lol?

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skyreaper Author
skyreaper - - 29 comments

it sounds like an insult but...no...the news are not random...they show the most visited games,mods s.o for this week...as i have 1800 views... which is something unbelievable...my game got there...and sorry if you dont have any games...maybe if you're good at modeling,making sounds or even making a sketch for a map it could be very useful...

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CoachShogun20 - - 322 comments

I'm sorry to say this but people are trying to help you, you're just not listening. If this is your first release, then you have to admit anything wrong to yourself and the community, and then try to fix it. That's how the pro devs work (well, most of them at least). They weren't awesome right away, they had to learn. Most of them are still learning (I hope, otherwise bad parts of games won't get better). To me, it seems that only the games that listen to their fans and critics do really great. Good luck man, just remember to listen and not be harsh just because your critics seem a bit harsh. They won't go easy just because your new at this, if anything they should be even more harsh.

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