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Here is the music list used in the RNB mod, you can search the name in the Internet for more information if you are interested. This list will be updated while I added new music

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Music List:

China: 1024px Flag of the Republic of C

  • AnthemOfWhampoaAcademy.ogg - Anthem Of Whampoa Academy - 黄埔军校校歌
  • DaDaoMarch.ogg - Da Dao March - 大刀进行曲
  • IAmChinese.ogg - I Am Chinese - 我是中国人 - <<远东阴谋>>(1997)片尾曲
  • OnSonghuaRiver.ogg - On the Songhua River - 松花江上
  • ProtectYelloRiver.ogg - Protect Yellow River - 黄河大合唱<<保卫黄河>>
  • SongOfEightHundredHeroes.ogg - Song Of EightHundred Heroes - 八百壮士歌
  • SongOfFightingAgainstEnemy.ogg - Song Of Fighting Against Enemy - 抗敌歌
  • SongOfGuangXiArmy.ogg - Song Of Guang Xi Army - 广西军军歌
  • SongOfJiuGuoArmy.ogg - Song Of Jiu Guo Army - 救国军歌
  • SongOfNortheastAntiJapaneseUnitedArmyFirstArmy.ogg - Song Of Northeastern Anti-Japanese United Army The First Army - 东北抗日联军第一军军歌
  • SongOfNRA74thArmy.ogg - Song Of NRA 74th Army - 国民革命军第74军军歌

Win Music:

  • Anthem of the Republic of China - 中华民国国歌 - 三民主义歌
  • National Flag Anthem of the Republic of China - 中华民国国旗歌 - 青天白日满地红

Japan:800px Flag of Japan 18701999

  • ija_anthem_of_the_kwantung_army.mp3 - Anthem of the Kwantung Army - 関東軍軍歌
  • ija_anthem_of_the_kwantung_army2.mp3 - Anthem of the Kwantung Army (Remix) - 関東軍軍歌 (Remix)
  • ija_defense_of_japan.ogg - Defense of Japan - 皇国の守り
  • ija_genkou.mp3 - GenKou - 元寇
  • ija_japanese_army.ogg - The Japanese Land Force - 日本陸軍
  • ija_song_of_national_people_marching.ogg - Song of National People Marching - 国民進軍歌
  • ija_song_of_tank.ogg - Song of the Tank Soldier - 戦車兵の歌
  • ija_battotai.mp3 - Battotai - 拔刀隊
  • ija_patriotic_march.ogg - Patriotic March - 愛国行進曲
  • ija_kigen_nisen_roppyaku_nen.ogg - Kigen Nisen Roppyaku Nen - 紀元二千六百年

Win Music: Anthem of Empire of Japan - 君が代

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