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Just over a week ago, Paragon Studios released the new Mission Architect in Issue 14. Find out what happened.

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Just over a week ago I published an article letting everyone know about the new Mission Architect, which was released in the City of Heroes patch labeled Issue 14. Well I'm happy to report that the new update is a success! How much of a success you ask? Well how about within 24 hours of release users had already created over 3800 mission arcs. To give you some perspective that is more content then the original developers could create in 5 years. Matt Miller from Paragon Studios had this to say.

Matt_Miller wrote: We did some data mining of our own, and 3,800 surpasses the amount of content that we, the developers, have made for all of City of Heroes and City of Villains combined. In just one day our users did more than we could in almost five years.

As of now the total is well over 20,000 mission arcs, that is a really shocking number. Let's hope there system for user created content will help people get their own missions to come under the spotlight once in a while. Otherwise it could be quite fruitless for anything less the 5 stars due to the high number of content available.

Gamasutra wrote: 20,000 arcs published and playable -- 6259 of them "heroic" and 2240 of them "villainous." Of these, users have awarded five-star ratings to 2,860 total arcs.

So it looks like Paragon City will always have something to do, with users creating massive amounts of content the developers of City of Heroes have created a game that is now sustaining itself and will continue to do so for quite some time. It also means any more official content made by the original developers will have to be amazing to even make a splash against the flood of user made missions. I'm surprised more developers are not doing this!

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Dremth - - 1,400 comments

so... can users only create "arcs?"

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Henley Author
Henley - - 1,973 comments

they can create missions that can arc over 5 different missions. I myself have not tried it yet.

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blackmodeler - - 1,015 comments

this sounds great. i wish more games would have done something like this.

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mrjesus123 - - 24 comments


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wisdomknight - - 2 comments

Theyre doing this only because there is nothing to lose for them. Its an old outdated MMO and they have competition coming. They have exhausted every idea possible to do something to stay alive. They can create a million more quests but it isn't going to get them new subscriptions. Bye bye CoH.

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