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Post news Report RSS Warzone 2100 2.1 final

This is the newest stable release for warzone 2100 we recommend all to upgrade.

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After a lengthy release cycle, we now have a new stable release. It took slightly longer than initially planned for but it's finally here. Warzone 2100 2.1. This release adds very little to RC 2. This is intended because RC stands for release candidate and thus is intended to become the release itself.

urban 2 rockies
urban 1 new terrain

The short list (so short that it isn't even a real list) of changes since RC 2:

  • Fix a bug that caused the number of assigned units to a structure to be displayed wrongly (ticket:90)

For the full list of changes, see the change log.

Known Issues

The known issues from RC 2 remain. In addition we now know of an
additional issue, which is the first one in the following list.
The full list of known issues:

  • Switching languages through the menu, on Mac OSX can cause crashes (ticket:170).
  • Save games from the 2.0 series can not be loaded with this
    version. (NOTE: We do not intend to "fix" this, as we are breaking
    compatibility with the previous save game format.)
  • The multi player code has been improved since beta 2, but running out of sync is still possible.
  • The game in general still aborts quite often in debug builds due to failed assertions.
  • Save games from 2.1 beta 4 (that, and only that version), can not be loaded with this version. (NOTE: We cannot fix this because the beta 4 save games miss information we need.)

The source code and all available binaries can be found, as usual, at the download page. Best regards,

The Warzone 2100 Resurrection Project

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coolkid87 Author
coolkid87 - - 173 comments

woot it finally got posted

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Deathy - - 36 comments

WOW... DO I see Warzone with Improved Graphics? AWESOME! Nice work

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CrymsonWildcat - - 86 comments

OH MY GOD! I have not seen Warzone 2100 for a DECADE! You guys are my GODS! I've wanted to get my hands on this game for so long.

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Son_of_Iron - - 297 comments

HOLY CRAP!!! when i was like ten i waited for a month for an ordered version and its finally here!!! "cries" its so magical!!! rlly n1ce wrk this is freakin awsome!!!!!!!

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CrymsonWildcat - - 86 comments

Oh! I cannot help it xD
Any chance the original PC games cheats work, or are there new ones?

Also a bug I think, but I cannot load any of my saves made in this current version, it simply crashes when I try to.

Thanks again :)

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KOYK_GR - - 594 comments

this is a stand alone mod? or i have to get the game?

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coolkid87 Author
coolkid87 - - 173 comments

its a full free game

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Robots! - - 1,749 comments

when is multiplayer going to work?

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