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Hi guys, today I would like to talk a little about crowd funding and to get some much needed feedback on the issue.

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Hi guys, today I would like to talk a little about crowd funding and to get some much needed feedback on the issue.

So Caffeine is getting a load of praise from almost everyone who comments on here and there were also some great praise over on the Kotaku article the other day. I can't stress enough how unexpected all this was! All you guys are great!
Now on to the main subject today, Crowd Funding.
Most of you know that I am planning on doing a Kickstarter or Indiegogo at some point after I release the demo level that I'm currently working on. For me this seems like a huge daunting task, for one I don't even know if anyone would actually pledge anything to some 21 year old developing a game in his free time in little old Adelaide, Australia.

This is where you guys come in! I would love it if you would be able to comment on this article and to let me know what your view is on all this and if I released the demo would you be willing to pledge? It's all good if you would rather not say I completely understand that but it would provide me with some insight into the unknown territory I am slowly entering haha.

Thanks for all your fantastic support so far and let's hope you all will have a copy of Caffeine some time in the not so distant future!


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Chr0n0s85 - - 189 comments

I think you should build your fanbase a little more, and create more content. But after that, go for it, you have nothing to lose really. It's a chance.

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dylserx Author
dylserx - - 121 comments

Thanks for your input dude :) this is along the lines of what I was thinking :D Will deffs be completing the Demo first and getting it out there :)

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Chr0n0s85 - - 189 comments

Also the game looks amazing, you are definitely a hard worker.

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dylserx Author
dylserx - - 121 comments

Cheers dude :)

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SPY-maps - - 2,912 comments

Like Chr0n0s85 says, you have nothing to loose.
Although i would also say that you maybe can first build on to what you have. Because it is best to be able to show a lot of asset and gameplay to get people to pay on kickstarter etc.
We see it a lot, that great indie games don't get there crowd funding done well, simply because they were not able to show there game well.

much success,

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dylserx Author
dylserx - - 121 comments

Thanks for your input :), yeh that is why I am making the demo first, with the very beginning of the story :D

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Hell_Diguner - - 3,646 comments

Another common mistake is to under-utilize campaigning for your game. You have to create a full PR campaign that targets numerous gaming sites because most people frequent only one or two. Try to get youtubers like TotalBiscuit to make a video on your aplha prototype. Exploit "word of mouth" via facebook and twitter pages.

Runestorm was able to work with Flying Wild Hog (both indie devs) to bundle their game prototype with FWH's recently released game. I don't know how effective it was as a whole, but I'd never have known of Runestorm's game (nor pre-purchased it) had they not bundled that prototype with FWH's game.
///// Moral of the story? Try something different to get people's attention. Right now I think I'd be unlikely to support your game, seeing how Alien: Isolation is pretty much the same thing, but farther along in its development process: Youtube.com

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dylserx Author
dylserx - - 121 comments

Thanks for the tips :) yeh I have been actively pursuing publicity, already got onto Kotaku, Destructoid, Rock Paper Shotgun and game trailers, as well as a load of smaller sites :) Monolith even took a look at it and gave it their approval aha :)
While it is a similar setting to isolation the story is quite different, well I think at least oh wells. regardless i am looking forward to isolation :D

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