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Tag "Mod para victoria 2"
Greater Proyect Mod v0.1

Greater Proyect Mod v0.1


Freatures: - Added Countries in Africa - New vassals like Egypt, Tunis... - New Decisions in the European and American Countries FIXED START BUG - New...

AIM v0.1 (Age of Imperialism Mod)

AIM v0.1 (Age of Imperialism Mod)


This version includes some extra decisions on european countries, also more countries in Africa...

ECM v0.3 (European Classic Mod)

ECM v0.3 (European Classic Mod)


This version solves some errors like the year tech error, and includes new civilizations with cores in their old territories, as well as a war of unification...

ECM v0.3 (European Classic Mod)

ECM v0.3 (European Classic Mod)


This version solves some errors and includes new civilizations with cores in their old territories, as well as a war of unification between Spain and...

ECM v0.2 (European Classic Mod)

ECM v0.2 (European Classic Mod)


This update includes more civilizations in Africa and the campaign have now the year 1700 not 1836

ECM v0.1 (European Classic Mod)

ECM v0.1 (European Classic Mod)


This mod includes more countries and the civilization´s borders of the year 1700

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