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Adventure treasury hunting Game Idea (Forums : Ideas & Concepts : Adventure treasury hunting Game Idea) Post Reply
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May 18 2024 Anchor

Hi all

I want to ask you what you think about my Game Idea. A realistic treasury hunt like the films uncharted or indiana jones with a Co-Op function and a regulary based tournament. Maybe every 3 months starts a new treasury hunt, the first person who can solve all mysterys will win a real price for example 1000 Dollar.

I would prefere to create real treasury hunts with a real story like montezumas treasure or Ark of the covenant. The map should be really big and have different obstacles and mysterys to be solved. The player can move around completly free and have only one advice at the start.

The difficulty I would set really hard because in every tournament the peoples can win real money.

What do you think? Would you join the treasury hunt and play it in a Co-Op session with your friends? :)

Thank you in advance for your opinions:)

Your DeZuger

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