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A beat 'em up/platforming/fighting game hybrid with an electro style. You can smack guys, attach their parts and get their abilities!

Forum Thread
Can't find my house (Games : Megabyte Punch : Forum : Errors/bugs : Can't find my house) Locked
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May 2 2013 Anchor

Continuing a savegame from version 10, I've been in every house in the village and can't find my parts or colors anywhere.

EDIT: it was there when I restarted the game, but I'm reasonably certain it wasn't there before. Searched for a good 30 minutes.

Edited by: walterw9000

May 2 2013 Anchor

Well, im glad you found it.. ^_^

May 3 2013 Anchor

That's odd walter! Good to hear it was there when you restarted it!

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