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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 132)
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Around the Mod in 80 Days

Any chances this will get a port to Sins II? I know that's a huge ask, and the new game may be so different from a modding standpoint that a 'port' ends up just being built from scratch.

But LoGH is basically the perfect property for Sins and its formula (even how FTL works seems to be the same between the franchises); and it's a series that has never really had a worthy video game adaptation. I love this mod, but it (like all Sins mods) was always held back by various hardcoded limitations of the foundation it was built on (like that you can't change AI behavior, that's a big one). Limitations that hopefully won't be present in the new game.

Good karma+1 vote
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Gineiden 1.85

Oh hell yes! This mod is still sort of alive.

Good karma+1 vote
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Hyperion Ark Ship

Don't even acknowledge Andromeda's existence and not include them at all.

EDIT: hahahaha, oh man, the downvotes. People are simping for the pointless blacksheep of the franchise? Andromeda was a trainwreck, made mostly by a B-team given the stolen valor of the BioWare name (actual BioWare, or at least the husk of it, is now called BioWare Edmonton. Andromeda was mostly made by BioWare Montreal, a support studio that has since been eliminated as an independent entity and merged with Motive Studios, where they make Star Wars games. EA doesn't trust them with Mass Effect anymore).

At its absolute best Andromeda strove for mediocrity. It was not a worthy addition to the franchise.

Good karma-4 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ High Definition 2 Pack

I may actually have an interest in this, but because the braingenius who put it together couldn't be bothered to post screenshots (and is apparently mystified by the idea that anyone would want them), I don't feel inclined to bother.

Also the uncredited theft of other people's work is super not cool.

Good karma+4 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Marathon-class Heavy Cruiser

When you really think about it, nothing about this really makes sense. Why would a heavy cruiser replace a light cruiser? They have completely different roles. Wouldn't it be more logical for it to replace an older heavy cruiser?

And for that matter, why is the Halcyon a light cruiser in the first place? It's described as being slow, and its biggest defining feature is how overbuilt and durable it is, neither of which (slow and tough) are attributes of a light cruiser.

Maybe the UNSC designates cruiser classes based only around the weight of their armament, or maybe the Halcyon started as a heavy cruiser but was retroactively redesignated a light cruiser after subsequent designs completely eclipsed it.

Good karma+2 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Hope - The Seed of Liberation

The Dominion are religious fanatics, with the bulk of them literally being mass produced soldiers who exist only to fight and die.

The Cardassians are heavily propagandized slaves to a totalitarian military dictatorship.

The Reaper War is literally an existential conflict, not a normal war.

Klingons doing a wasteful suicide stand I can see, but the Romulans are supposed to be Space Romans. Throwing away a Legion is bad planning.

Good karma+1 vote
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Hope - The Seed of Liberation

Actually in war 'hold until you die' is a rarity, not the norm. It's incredibly wasteful. The crews are also assets, in fact they're more important than the ships themselves. If they were low on fuel, offload the crews and set the ships to ram the infrastructure, or have the ship's computers auto-target anything they can until they're destroyed.

Good karma+1 vote
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Hope - The Seed of Liberation

A small force of old ships? So, they've just been left there to die, essentially? What kind of military just throws away assets like that?

Good karma+2 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ A Beginning, An End

Hilarious how people are fond, or at least tolerant of, Enterprise now. I well remember everyone claiming to hate it at the time ("it's not even called Star Trek!" "Ahhh, the opening theme!" "everything looks too advanced!" "wahhhhh!").

Good karma+4 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Unleashed

Minor corrections: the Wehrmacht gave up on Moscow by the start of 1942. Stalingrad was the target of a later push to seize the oilfields in Azerbaijan. The siege of Leningrad lasted until 1944, well after Stalingrad.

Good karma+1 vote
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ The Moons of Inverness

The Federation wouldn't. But Star Fleet absolutely would. Their Admirals have a giant ******* streak in them.

Good karma+1 vote
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ The Moons of Inverness

The Japanese also knew they were screwed if they didn't hit sufficiently hard from the start. The goal was always to beat up the US enough that it would agree to a negotiated armistice, one of the conditions being that America would end its resource blockade. They never had any illusions (nor desire) about outright crushing the United States, or of conquering it.

From the Japanese perspective they couldn't hold onto their empire, particularly China, without oil. After the embargo started they were basically forced, from a strategic point of view, to seize the Dutch East-Indies, which meant war with the US and UK.

Good karma+2 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ The Moons of Inverness

Klingons are sort of Space Japanese, and portrayed with all the weird misconceptions of 'stubborn, brazen Samurai obsessed with boneheaded honor' that the Japanese are often shown as, especially in regards to WW2.

Good karma+1 vote
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Would you like to see unleveled spawns in tombs/daedric ruins?

At least the Daedric ruins. Spikey hellshrines filled with demons seem like something you should wait a while and properly prepare for before assaulting.

Good karma+7 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ The Firmament Trembles

"One single moment defines our sentience..."

I'm forever amazed at how most science fiction (and fantasy) writers don't understand the difference between sapience and sentience. Sapience is the ability to reason, sentience is the ability to sense. By definition microbes and plants are sentient; they sense and react. Terry Pratchett was one of the few writers I know of you actually understood the difference (Sapient Pearwood).

Good karma+2 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ The Ark - Continued V2

This really needs to be pointed out at every opportunity, but Andromeda literally wasn't made by BioWare. The real BioWare is now called BioWare Edmonton, and their latest released game is Dragon Age: Inquisition (they're currently working on Anthem). Andromeda was instead made by BioWare Montreal, a branch studio originally formed to provide assistance to the main studio (it's not certain, but it seems likely this studio was formed with personnel from EA Montreal, developer of such fine products as Boogie Superstar, Need for Speed: Nitro, both for the Wii, and a content pack for The Sims 3). Among other things they developed the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer.

Mass Effect: Andromeda was literally made by the B team.

Good karma+3 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Katafracts reworked (who is asking for more content from ESO?)

It's not particularly complicated. It also has nothing to do with ESO. If it's not about Tiber Septim or Vivec, it's pretty much guaranteed to not involve CHIM.

Good karma+1 vote
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Katafracts reworked (who is asking for more content from ESO?)

Because Hermaeus Mora is so obsessed with knowledge that his library contains books from all parts of time and space.

Good karma+1 vote
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Katafracts reworked (who is asking for more content from ESO?)

No idea what you're talking about when you say the new lore is 'denied', but Elder Scrolls has always relied on unreliable narrators.

Good karma+2 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Katafracts reworked (who is asking for more content from ESO?)

Nonsense. ESO has had a lot of good lore, especially when it comes to expanding the Khajiit and Argonians/Hist. Overall it's been a much better installment than Oblivion was.

Good karma+6 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ "Its continuing mission - to explore strange new worlds..."

Somewhat disappointing you didn't opt for Probert's original design instead.

Good karma-3 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ "Space - the final frontier..."

"the new Enterprise actually began its life as the USS Si-Ho"

Where does this come from? Google is failing me here.

Good karma+1 vote
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ DAV-class Scout Ship

D.Va, you say?

Good karma+7 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ "We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile."

"Starfleet's victories against the Borg on both occasions have been due purely to plot."

Fixed that for you. As long as there are writers, the Borg will be held at bay.

Good karma+6 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Caged redemption

Still a better film than either of its own prequels, any of the TNG movies, and most of the TOS movies.

Good karma-2 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ "An anomaly has been detected. Classifcation: Unknown. Origin: Unknown."

Attempting to link everything via retcons usually only makes universes feel smaller. See the Star Wars prequels as a particularly atrocious example.

Good karma+3 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Yankee Traders

"The Ferengi were also instrumental in implementing a common currency in the form of gold pressed latinum - units of a highly prized fluid (that cannot be replicated) suspended within gold pieces of varying size - the greater the size, the greater the value."

Someone never gave the Ferengi an anthropology or history text so they could learn what money actually is.

Good karma+1 vote
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Voice Poll (CLOSED)

Four; have them speak english with bits of their native languages thrown in, just like stock CoH does.

Good karma-2 votes
Soredemos - - 132 comments @ Quia gloria et Imperium

But in-universe, it must all be the Federation seeing a culture with a lot of Roman-like attributes and using Roman terms for them. Presumably the Romulans don't actually call themselves Romulans, don't call it the Senate, etc. I assume that names like D'deridex are a taste of the actual Romulan language.

Good karma+2 votes