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IndoTraq™ LLC was founded by Michael Hamilton, a self-made entrepreneur and inventor. He has created all sorts of embedded electronics for automating processes. Now he has put together a team in order to tackle a problem that no one else has yet to solve—an affordable, accurate and high speed indoor tracking system. Extensive effort has been made by others to reuse existing Wi-Fi infrastructure for indoor tracking, but none of these systems work well. Although they are affordable, they are slow and inaccurate. Our team has developed a patent-pending technology called HSKT™ (High Speed Kalman Tracking). This technology has full 3D position update rates of up to 200 Hz (200 times per second) and precision of ± 5 mm.

RSS Articles
IndoTraq Announces Wireless VR Room Tracking

IndoTraq Announces Wireless VR Room Tracking


VRTraq is a custom, wireless room tracking technology to enable movement tracking on headsets which don't natively support it.