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Zoxide Games is a one-person video game company created by me, Nick Pettit. My goal with Zoxide Games is to simply create fun games and experiences. My current project is Neptune Flux, a deep sea adventure game that takes place in the future. You take on the role of an employee working for a dystopian corporation called AQUA, carrying out their oceanic operations. This is a game that can be experienced with or without a virtual reality headset; it’s up to you! Learn more at neptuneflux.com.

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Neptune Flux announces release date in first official trailer

Neptune Flux announces release date in first official trailer

Neptune Flux 1 comment

Neptune Flux is a story-driven, open world adventure game set in a sci-fi ocean full of mystery and haunting beauty. Discover supernatural wreck sites...

Underwater Exploration Game Neptune Flux Releases Playable VR Alpha

Underwater Exploration Game Neptune Flux Releases Playable VR Alpha

Neptune Flux 1 comment

Dive into supernatural shipwrecks in this aquatic exploratory sim.

Neptune Flux launches on Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight

Neptune Flux launches on Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight

Neptune Flux

Neptune Flux is a deep sea adventure game that takes place in the near future. You take on the role of Sarah, an employee working for an organization...