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Binarray is a Boolean logic sandbox, which allows you to create circuits. Using the software, you can gain an understanding of logic gates, and how basic components can be combined to create useful devices. What you build is completely up to you - try building a calculator, or really challenge yourself and build a computer!

Forum Thread
Make creation sharing easier. (Games : Binarray : Forum : Feature Suggestions : Make creation sharing easier.) Locked
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Mar 20 2016 Anchor

By adding a save system that save each little creation in its own file thats easily fetchable just by going in the game directory.

Thanks ^-^

Mar 20 2016 Anchor

Thanks, I will at least make it easier to access the files - like a button that opens up the saves folder.

Currently they are stored in C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\LocalLow\Polylion\Binarray, in case you were wondering.

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