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On May 1st 2019, VRDB.com and SlideDB.com were closed. We no longer support VR, AR, iOS or Android only games. We are focused on PC, console and moddable games. If this is your project and you would like to release it on IndieDB, please contact us with the details.

A fun game that raises real money for animals! Feed The Cat is a visually pleasing app with addictive gameplay. The main character is a chubby cat named Stewart. He is exceptionally sly, highly food motivated, and dreams of traveling the world to discover new cuisine! Stewart starts in the US, eating its most popular foods. As he slices and smashes his way through levels, avoiding bombs, earning unique weapons, and taking on challenges, he can unlock new countries and try their special foods. Hello to sushi in Japan, croissants in France & kolbasa in Russia! Thanks to private sponsors, every download of the game (up to 1000 as of 3/9/19) means a $1.10 towards an animal welfare organization. We are currently partnered with an LA based non-profit called Fix Nation. 100% of earnings from downloads will go to Fix Nation. For more information about their efforts, please visit www.fixnation.org



Based in United States

Release date:
March 20 2019



Available From:
Free - iOS App Store


A fun game that raises real money for animals! Feed The Cat is a visually pleasing app with addictive gameplay. The main character is a chubby cat named Stewart. He is exceptionally sly, highly food motivated, and dreams of traveling the world to discover new cuisine! Stewart starts in the US, eating its most popular foods. As he slices and smashes his way through levels, avoiding bombs, earning unique weapons, and taking on challenges, he can unlock new countries and try their special foods. Hello to sushi in Japan, croissants in France & kolbasa in Russia! Thanks to private sponsors, every download of the game (up to 1000 as of 3/9/19) means a $1.10 towards an animal welfare organization. We are currently partnered with an LA based non-profit called Fix Nation. 100% of earnings from downloads will go to Fix Nation. For more information about their efforts, please visit www.fixnation.org


About the Company (“CHUBBY NINJAS”)

We are Max Slipchenko & Lynn Tanattanawin - two friends from opposite ends of the universe that bonded over a relentless enthusiasm for technology, games, and the desire to make a positive impact in our community. The name, “Chubby Ninjas” is a silly moniker for our food-focused and high-energy personalities.

Our first project, called Feed The Cat Game, is a combination of everything we love: Animals, Food, Travel, Gaming, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Social Good.

We hope to continue building games that people will truly enjoy and at the same time, inspire them to help create a better world.


Max is definitely the creative one. He currently spends most of his time brainstorming and developing various apps but he is also a decorated 3X World Champion Thai Kickboxer and distinguished Professor of Law. Born and raised in Ukraine, Max has a unique global perspective, understanding of people, and strong set of skills in product management.


Lynn has a cookie problem and rarely stops thinking about food. She oversees all things business and strategy for Feed The Cat!


  • Hilarious main character
  • Addictive gameplay
  • Positive impact to animals in real life!


Feed The Cat is featured on Ukrainian Local TV! YouTube


Download all screenshots & photos as .zip

Download logo/icon assets as .zip

About chubbyninjas

A fun game that raises real money for animals! Feed The Cat is a visually pleasing app with addictive gameplay. The main character is a chubby cat named Stewart. He is exceptionally sly, highly food motivated, and dreams of traveling the world to discover new cuisine! Stewart starts in the US, eating its most popular foods. As he slices and smashes his way through levels, avoiding bombs, earning unique weapons, and taking on challenges, he can unlock new countries and try their special foods. Hello to sushi in Japan, croissants in France & kolbasa in Russia! Thanks to private sponsors, every download of the game (up to 1000 as of 3/9/19) means a $1.10 towards an animal welfare organization. We are currently partnered with an LA based non-profit called Fix Nation. 100% of earnings from downloads will go to Fix Nation. For more information about their efforts, please visit www.fixnation.org

More information
More information on chubbyninjas, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Feed The Cat Game Credits

Lynn Tanattanawin

Max Slipchenko

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks