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Kuchibi is a puzzle game in which the player tries to build connected chains of stones, to then ignite and explode the stones. The exploding stones award score points, and one of the goals of the game is to maximize the score by building the longest explosion chains possible. Various extras which are earned for special combos also help in achieving this goal. During the creation of Kuchibi, one special design focus has been to make the game a satisfying experience for both beginning players as well as for experts: The level of entry is very low, as the rules are quite simple, so that a beginner has an immediate sense of achievement (with satisfying explosions!). But as the player learns more about the game, it exposes more and more depth, so that even an experienced player will continue to be challenged by Kuchibi, trying to build ever more complex chains and combinations and rack up highscores which previously seemed unattainable.

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Kuchibi released on Xbox LIVE Indie Games

Kuchibi released on Xbox LIVE Indie Games


Kuchibi has been released on Xbox LIVE Indie Games on September 7th, 2009.