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This is a MMORPG situated in multiple Realms. There are 4 Realms... -Medieval age -Renaissance age -Fantasy -Prehistoric age Each of these realms have special creatures and lands to explore... To summarize it all... this game will be in a massive world!

Forum Thread
History of the Ravenwood Region (Games : Master of Realms : Forum : MOR - History : History of the Ravenwood Region) Locked
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Oct 15 2009 Anchor
History of the Ravenwood Region

Chapter I
Foundations of Ravenwood Region

There was once a knight who had travelled long distances in this great land, he was known by many as ‘The Ranger', for his skills with a bow were only overmastered by the greatest of archers. One day The Ranger travelled to the north-west of this grand land in search of an enemy. But he could never find this enemy instead he found a great region of forests and mountains. He travelled deep into the dark forest with not even a glimpse of daylight. When at its heart he hesitated and sensed this would be a good place to rest, what began as a resting place ended as a home to many.

One year later, The Ranger had made home in the heart of the
Forest for one year. One day when out hunting he stumbled upon a wounded traveler who was heavily stabbed by something. The Ranger took him to his hut and for months took care of him. One day the wounded traveler woke up and told The Ranger his name was ‘Èvan', and told he was in search of his old companion, who had disappeared after they were attacked by some evil warriors. Later Èvan decided to stay with the Ranger, and built a hut of his own near the Rangers hut. Even in these great lands news travels, fast and soon the King Renald of the South had heard the rumors of both the Ranger and Èvan disappearance, he ordered his best knights to investigate this disappearance. After months of travelling the knights of King Renald reached the outskirts of the grand woods, and decided to split up to find the Ranger and Èvan. Half of the team went north-west to the mountains, the other half north-east to the lake. The team that went to the mountains disappeared and never returned, most likely killed by monsters. The half that went to the lake stumbled upon the Ranger and Èvan, surprised they were still alive told them it was best to return south to the King but the Ranger did not agree. So the knights returned to their King with the news, who did not at all like it. He was furious because the Ranger and his friend did not want to return south, but decided to let it be. Many people ventured in the forest but could not find the Ranger, but if it was not that they saw a group of ravens circle up ahead they would have surely died from hunger or beasts of the forest. They went to the circling ravens and found the Ranger and Èvan. After finding them the people decided to stay and the Ranger founded the ‘Raven Wood Region', the Ranger named it this in honor of the ravens who had saved the people who were looking for him. The Ranger founded the Raven Wood Village, and many people settled there and soon the village grew and grew. Not much later the people built a fortress on the hill near their village as a token of appreciation to the Ranger who had brought them to such a beautiful land. Then they titled him ‘Lord Joost', Joost was the Rangers birthname. Èvan became Lord Joost's advisor, and helpt him expand the Raven Wood Village.

Edited by: RidderBlauw

Ridder-Geel Master Yelloh
Oct 15 2009 Anchor

Interesting story ;) Will this be incorperated into some quest about your village's history?


Ridder Geel

Oct 15 2009 Anchor

It surely will ;)

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