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A short 2D horror video game. The setting will be a hotel, and the aesthetic will be black and white with the occasional splash of color. The game takes place in a nightmare, with monsters roaming throughout. The story will revolve around searching the lobby of the hotel and the surrounding areas for a means to drive an old god back to slumber. This must be done before it conquers the player, thereby trapping their soul in the dream and entering the waking world through. Throughout the game there is mythology to be learned (some of which is taken from real cultural myths). It is very much inspired by H.P. Lovecraft and David Lynch. The game as a whole will be on a time limit and there are no saves. We hope to offer a couple hours of gameplay, and though that isn't very long, the expected price will reflect that.

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Tranquil House On Kickstarter

Tranquil House On Kickstarter


We just put Tranquil House on Kickstarter, please consider supporting.