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I like to draw.

Comment History
AbsentBlue - - 5 comments @ In game

It works with Open Arena which is free, just download the zip and put the bfpq3 folder into the root directory.

Good karma+4 votes
AbsentBlue - - 5 comments @ In game

It was originally a DBZ mod until they got a C&D order from who ever owns DBZ in America (Viz?)

Good karma+1 vote
AbsentBlue - - 5 comments @ SinKing

Can't wait to see something from your mod, it looks like you got a lot of great people working together. How come your modeler, Citizen_J, does not have a profile here? He's pretty damn good from what I've seen.

Good luck on the machinima.

Good karma+1 vote
AbsentBlue - - 5 comments @ Concept Artists

Joined a couple of weeks ago but I figured I ought to say "Hallo"

I only have a couple of quick technique works up now, I'll have some more diverse art soon.

Good karma+1 vote
AbsentBlue - - 5 comments @ Zombie Bling

Every game needs a chainsaw.

Good karma+6 votes