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Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Heirs of Elendil

So i think that eliminating mordor stoping missions with Arnon. But got another problem, i cant destroy Angmar... always when i try capture last city i have a game crash after choice what do with the conquered city :/

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Heirs of Elendil

No problem, i had all videos when i destroyed ring (hous of kings already builded), but no messages that I united Arnor and when i pressed "Z" i doesnt have any mission objectives. But when i load save round earlier i prevent to destroying ring , wait 1 round longer and i got message about uniting Arnor and merging with Bree

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Prophesy of Pendor 3.9 Screenshots

Hail Hydra ! xD

Good karma+3 votes
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Sands of Faith

Hello, i have a question. Can i chang culture, of my troops in castle? I mean, that i conquered (muslim)castle , but it is recruiting teutonic units.... Can change it on arabic units?

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Bye Bye

Found a problem.. If anyone whant play Yoden mod without skirmish bug, U must copy Yodenmod " Data" into main FOC folder , and replace orginal SW Empire at War FOC "Data" file, than AI will start do anything

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Bye Bye

Hello , i have small problem with skirmish , when i start it AI do nothing , i make space station on 5lv and the AI (Master level) have still 1lv and 2 figter squadrons... its any way to fix it ?

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Edain Mod

Ooo ,thx for answer :)

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Edain Mod

Hi, in this version ,i can play only Gondor, Rohan, Mordor and Isengard?

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Return of Shadow

I have this same problem with installation , i droped all files to BOB folder , and active installer , it said that i have all installed ( t3a online, patch 1.03) and when i press , installer do nothing :/

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Battles of the Third Age

Hi , i have small problem with this mod. When I play skirmish , always after around 15-20 min game crash and kick me to desktop. Any Idea why ?

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Space Swarm Marines

ok , thx :)

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ MOS 1.70 patch02

Same problem... dwarven halberds are crashed , they dont move , and textures are ... destroyed

Good karma+2 votes
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ YodenMod 2015 bonus and upgade 02

I have reinstall game and now the mod is working :P , but on skirmish and campaign computer dont want fight.... he do nothing :/ , what i must do with this?

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ YodenMod 2015 bonus and upgade 02

Hi, i have this same problem, I have polish version FOC , but i downloaded this conversion to english , I followed instructions , and i see in left corner " Yoden mod loading " , but this load only orginal FOC... ( i have normal DVD version , not steam version).... Pls help

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ The Battle of Few Armies (TBoFA)

cool :D , and thx for answer :)

Good karma+2 votes
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Space Swarm Marines

Where i must add this file ? ( which folder)

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Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Space Swarm Marines

I dont fear swarms, because Emperor protect :D

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Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Edain Mod

I downloaded it ( and installed patch ), and i have 4 factions ( gondor, rohan, isengard, and mordor) , but i cant add custom hero to any faction... why ?

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ The Battle of Few Armies (TBoFA)

Will be there Dain on armored pig ? :D

Good karma+2 votes
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Minas Thirith View

I think , this is fragment of Rammas Echor :)

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ The Reckoning : For M&B

Hi , I have a problem with this RGL error : Unable to open CommonRes/wb_mp_object_a.brf . pls help

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Bellum Imperii Alpha 0.41 Hotfix - Oudated

Hi, I have found many bugs, all Ravenna is under ground, when i want go to Marsyllia I'm under water with all villigers, many textures are missing. I don't know why I have this.

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Scifi At War 2.0

Hi , I have small problem with skirmish, many ships i have green , and always i have windows error ( around 5 secend after start ),

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ The Naruto Mod for Warband 1.153

Hi, i have small problem with mineline quest, i must speak with kage kagenara ( with borcha in my team), i have borcha but kage said only this "..." someone can help me , what i should do ?

Good karma+1 vote
Alvares94 - - 25 comments @ Blood in The West

I have small problem with this mod , all citys are from native , names too. (Minas thirith is a normal veagir's city)....

Good karma+3 votes